Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV

The two weeks before the GMG went by in a flash. Saber Tooth's guild was ready. We had been training non-stop.

Our team went like this:






Minerva couldn't be there the first two days of the Grand Magic Games, so we got Yukino to take her place. She would be there for the first night, though.

Yukino was sweet and funny. I really liked her.

Anyway, it was the day of the Grand Magic Games, and we were all told to be in our rooms by 12p.m.

I had claimed a bed by the window, since I liked watching the sunrise. All our teammates were in the same room, which I didn't mind.

For some reason, Orga was rooming with us, too. And Minerva was still here.

Well, I was just about to get into my pyjamas, when the announcer/pumpkin, Mato's voice began speaking.

"All teams, this is the preliminary round of the grand magic games. Only the first eight teams to reach the finish line will get to compete.

The path turns, and if one of your teammates falls off, you all get eliminated!" His voice said.

What? Nobody said anything about a preliminary round!

We all made our way onto the balcony. "Let the preliminary round of the grand magic games, Sky Labyrinth, begin!"

Rufus flew up into the air. When he came back down several seconds later, he said "Fifty feet North, five West."

And then Minerva teleported us all to the finish line.

"And the first team to finish is Saber Tooth!" Mato announced proudly.

"Can I go to bed now?" I asked, yawning. Sting picked me up.

"You can in a little bit, we've just got to wait for the other teams to finish, okay?" We all sat down. I lay on my side, using Sting's legs as a pillow.

"And in eight place.. Fairy Tail!" I heard Mato say loudly. I jumped, rubbing at my eyes to remove any sleep. Fairy Tail was here?

I yawned loudly, attracting the attention of some of the guilds. "Hey there little one." Natsu came over to me.

"Who're you?" I asked, playing dumb.

"My name's Natsu. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Layla Heart." I stuck my hand out, wanting to shake his. He shook mine, his large hand enveloping my tiny one.

"Saver tooth, huh?" He asked, looking at my guildmark. I nodded, yawning again.

"I guess we're just gonna have to beat you, aren't we?" Erza came up to us. "I'm Erza Scarlet."

"You're pretty." I commented. Erza blushed.

Gray, Elfman and... Cana came to join us. I introduced myself to all of them.

"You know, you smell like someone I used to know..." Natsu trailed off, getting a sort of sad expression on his face.

"Layla!" I heard Sting call. "We can go home now."

"Coming, onii-chan." I got up, walking over to him. "Bye, Fairy Tail!" I said, waving at them.

"Bye, Layla." Erza said as they all smiled and waved back. Sting placed me on his shoulders and I played with his hair.

-Time Skip-The next morning-

"In eighth place, Fairy Tail team A!" Mato said. But instead of cheers, they were met with 'boos' and hisses.

"In seventh place, Team Quatro Cerberus!" There was a polite applause.

"In sixth place, your favourite girls, team Mermaid Hell!" Almost all of the male polulation cheered loudly for this team.

"In fifth place, Blue Pegasus!" Cheers all around.

"In fourth place, we have Lamia Scale!" Cheers from a very overexcited master.

"In third place, Raven Tail!" Who are they? I thought to myself.

"In second place, Fairy Tail B!" Silence. There was a Fairy Tail Team B?

"What losers. They thought they weren't strong enough, so they had to put two teams in?" Sting scoffed.

"Now it is an advantage to Fairy Tail, it is not against the rules. Therefore, it is allowed." Mato announced as boos were heard.

"And last but definitely not least, your number one, Saber Tooth!" Sting, Rogue, Yukino and Rufus entered the arena.

"But where is their fifth member?" Asked Mato.

I was far too shy to go on. I stayed, hiding behind a stone wall. Sting beckoned to me from their place in the arena.

I bowed my head, walking slowly over to him. I could feel all eyes on me. I started jogging, then I was running at full sprint. I jumped into Sting's hug, allowing him to put me on his shoulders.

"Aww." Was heard all around the arena. I blushed, trying to hide my face in Sting's hair.

"Hey, Layla." Natsu approached me "I didn't know you were competing?"

"Well, I'm gonna do my very best and win for my guild!" I said confidently, before going bright scarlet.

Natsu grinned at me. "That's the spirit!"

"Back off." I heard Sting say.

"Stingy bee, it's fine, he's my friend now." I said, smiling at Natsu. He just grinned right back at me.

Sting walked off in a huff, carrying me around with him. I giggled when he started running, bouncing me around on him. Both of our moods lightened as we played.

We all left the arena.

-Time Skip-End Of Hidden-

"And the winner is Saber tooth!" Mato announced as I ran over to hug Rufus and congratulate him. Well, I tried to hug him. I ended up hugging his leg.

I saw Gray walk inside. I ran up to him.

"Hey." I said, smiling.

"Leave me alone." Gray said. I flinched.

"Sorry." Gray apologised. "I'm just really mad at Raven Tail."

"I know, it was like they were targeting you." I said. "But don't worry. Today is only day one. We have four days ahead, plus the single battles. I'm sure you're gonna do great." I smiled at him.

"Thanks, Lucy." Gray said.

"Who'se Lucy?" I asked.

"Sorry. You just remind me of someone, Layla." Gray walked off.

Thank god. He was so close to figuring out my secret.

"And the battle will be Raven Tail's Flare against Saber Tooth's Layla!"


Edited: 20th December

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