Chapter 14

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Lucy's POV

Before I knew it, the party was over. I really had fun with Mira's cousin, who I found out was called Elliot.

But today was the day after, and Natsu wouldn't stop pestering me about telling everyone. "Come on," he would say, "they'll all forgive you, and everything can be like it was before!" He kept on saying, over and over.

I finally snapped. "No, it won't! I'm stuck in the body of myself at six, super powerful, and part. Of. Sabertooth! If I tell them, everything's gonna change! You really think they're gonna just forgive me that easily?"

Natsu, for once, was lost for words. I could feel the tears threatening to fall down my face, so I ran.

I ran all the way across town, to my apartment. I jumped onto my bed, buried my head in my pillow and sobbed.

I don't know how long I was there for, just that when I was done, there were no more tears, and it was dark outside. I sniffed, wiping my eyes and changing into my pyjamas.

I don't know how, but I still cried myself to sleep.

Yukino's POV

I was worried about Layla. I hadn't seen her all day. Actually, when I asked around, nobody in Sabertooth had seen her all day.

I went to her apartment, knocking. No answer.

I picked up her welcome mat, knowing she always kept her spare key there. I let myself in, quietly shutting the door behind me. "Layla?" I called out. "Are you in here?"

I opened the side door to her bedroom. She was there; thank goodness.

I walked up to the side of her bed, sitting down. I smiled.

She really did look peaceful.

But then I noticed the dried tear stains across her cheeks. I panicked. Was she okay?

I shook her awake, softly but urgently. "Layla? Layla, wake up."

Her eyes opened, meeting mine. "Yukino?"

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She shook her head, raising her arms above her head before yawning. "I know you've been crying."

She dropped her arms, looking at the bed. Her fingers subconsciously traced the patterns on her bedsheet. "I need to tell you something, really important. I've been meaning to tell you for a while, now."

"What is it?" What could this sweet little girl possibly be hiding?

She looked nervous. Her brown eyes met mine; they were filling up with tears. I fought the urge to pull her into my arms and promise her eyerything was going to be okay.

"My real name is Lucy. I got hit by a spell a while ago, and it turned me into a six-year-old.

"Lucy? As in Lucy..."

"Heartfilia? Yes, that's me."

I... don't know what to say. I was shocked... Speechless.

"I'm sorry." Tears started falling out of her eyes. "I didn't want to tell anyone, because you were all so happy with Layla, and I just-"

I cut her off by pulling her into my arms. Her touch was cautious at first, but after a few seconds, she slumped into me, clutching my clothes. Her tears made my shoulder very, very wet but I really didn't care.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked after she had sniffled and wiped her tears.

"Natsu. He was the one that figured it out." She looked like she was about to break. Fragile, cracked and vulnerable.

I nodded. "What do you think I sould do?" She asked me.

What would I do if I was in Lucy's position?

"I think you should tell everyone else. They won't hate you, you know."

"I thought so too... but how can I be sure? You say that, but I've been lying to them for months!"

I swallowed. "You never know until you try... but the ones who stick by you are your true friends."

She flung her arms around me again. "Then you're one of my best friends, Yukino."

And I was filled with such joy. I had Lucy Heartfilia as my best friend.

Lucy's POV

-Timeskip-The Guild-

"I need to make an announcement." I said, standing up on a barstool.

Everyone from Sabertooth and Fairy Tail stopped talking, looking at me. I took a deep breath, swallowing.

"My real name is Lucy Heartfilia." Gasps. "About a year ago, I was hit with a knockback spell. I would've survived, if it wasn't for the fact that the spell caused me to fall off a cliff." I gulped. "However a witch saw me, and used a life preservation spell on m\e. However, it turned me back into a six-year-old, and I lost most of my memories. I had all of them back by the Grand Magic Games, though."

I looked up. The first person I saw was Erza. Tears were rolling down her face. Real, actual tears. Then I saw Mira crying, Wendy crying, Juvia crying, Levy crying and... Evergreen suspiciously wiping her eyes whilst pretending to clean her glasses.

Cana was just staring at me, like she had been frozen in time. The look on her face was of pure shock, and slight horror.

I looked at Sting. I could see him battling tears, but he shot me a smile. I smiled back at him.

And then I was hit and knocked unconscious with a spell.

-Timeskip-A couple hours later-

I woke up with a throbbing head and aching,,, everywhere. I looked around.

Why was I lying in the Sabertooth infirmary?

My body felt heavier, too. I looked to one side of me, to see Natsu sleeping.

On my other side, Sting was clutching my hand, also sleeping.

I couldn't help it. I squeezed Sting's hand.

He stirred, waking up. I smiled weakly at him. His face brightened when he saw my eyes open. He threw his arms around me. I giggled. My voice was... lower, again.

"You're back..." he whispered into my ears.

"...What?" I asked. My voice was different. More like...

More like when I was normal sized. "I'm back." I repeated.

Natsu woke up. Sting let go of me, only for Natsu to take his place immediately. "Welcome back, Luce." Natsu said. I could feel him smiling into my shoulder. I chuckled.

"So, how did everyone take the news?"

Sting exhaled loudly. "Sabertooth was fine, but you've made a mortal enemy of 'Aunt Minnie.'"

I laughed. "How about Fairy Tail?"

Natsu shook his head. I started to lose hope. "They're all so glad you're back. Erza and Levy especially, for some reason."

I smiled. My two best girl friends. I wonder if Cana had recovered. She looked pretty mortified, before.

"Well, we should leave you to get some sleep." Natsu hugged me again, before leaving.

Sting nodded. "Bye, Lucy."

"Bye, Sting." And he placed a kiss on my cheek, before leaving too.

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