Chapter 10

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Minerva was attacking Cana relentlessly. Every time Cana was about to fall out, Minerva would just pull her back in and attack again.

"Minerva!" I yelled. "Snap out of it! You're stronger than this!"

Minerva showed no trace of hearing my voice. I jumped down and into the arena. "Minerva!" I screamed, tears coming to my eyes. "Snap out of it! This isn't you! Someone's controlling you and you know it! You're stronger than this!"

Minerva was holding Cana by the neck outside the arena. "Minerva!" I screamed, tears pouring down my face.

Her eyes returned back to normal, and she dropped Cana. I used my magic to catch her, running over to Cana.

I tried to heal her with my sky dragon slaying magic. I was able to heal her surface wounds, but she was still unconscious.

"And the winner is Minerva from Saber Tooth!" Minerva came round, looking at me.

All of Fairy Tail Team A and Team B were crowded around her now. "I've healed her. Why isn't she waking up?" I sobbed.

Natsu picked her up. "We're taking her to the infirmary."

I sniffed. "I want to come too."

"Talk to your teammate first." Gray said. "I'm sure this was all part of your plan."

I sniffed again. "What plan? Minerva was being controlled. Ivan's in the audience."

"Yeah, sure." Said Gray, storming off. My tears started back up. I knew it. They didn't believe me.

I ran over to Minerva. "You were being controlled, but I know you can break those kinds of spells. Why didn't you?"

"There was some sort of magic barrier around the water; it wouldn't let me use that magic." Minerva got onto her knees and wiped my tears. "Hey, it's okay." She said. "Come on, you can go and visit Cana in the hospital."

"What about you?" I asked as we walked off the field.

"I'm sure I'm not welcome there." Minerva said, as a means of excuse.

"I need to find Ivan first. He was the one that did this." I fumed silently.

"Layla?" Minerva's voice started to get slightly worried. "Calm down."

"They can't do that to my friends!" I said, running off. I left the arena.

Ivan was walking away, his black hood up. I ran to catch up with him. "You scum!" I yelled, pulling his hood off. It was Ivan, alright. He had this victorious smile, like he'd just won the lottery.

"Little miss Layla Heart. What a pleasure." Ivan acted as though nothing was wrong.

"You cheater! You controlled Minerva, and you hurt Cana!" I tried all I could to not attack him right there.

"Oh, but you have no proof, do you. So what if I did. Nobody other than you knows about it."

I punched him in the stomach. "Bad move." He said.

I felt something wrap around me, holding me in place. Flare's Hair. I struggled, trying to get free.

A small, brown creature with a crown made of leaves stepped onto my shoulder. It was grinning.

I felt it tap my forehead, and all my magic energy started leaving my body. It hurt. Like heck.

I screamed. But there was nobody around. They all laughed at me.

"Told you I'd get you, blondie." Flare cackled, releasing me.

I fell to the floor, before everything went black.

Nobody's POV

Gray looked out the infirmary window. A figure in a black, hooded cloak was leaving.

He watched as Layla ran up to the man, pulling his hood down. Ivan!

So she wasn't lying?

Layla punched him in the stomach. He just grinned.

The other four members appeared out of nowhere. Flare wrapped her hair around Layla, preventing her from moving, whilst a tiny nymph hopped onto her shoulder. Gray watched as it tapped her forehead and she started screaming.

The sound was ghastly; It scared the hell out of him.

He ran out of the infirmary, rushing to get to the exit as fast as he could. But when he reached the exit, all he saw was...

Her body, lying lifeless on the floor.

She really wasn't lying when she said Raven Tail's master, Ivan, was controlling Minerva?

Gray ran over to Layla. He shook her body.

"Wake up, come on, wake up." He said. He pressed his ear to her chest. There was still a heartbeat. He held his hand a few centimetres above her mouth. She was breathing, very shallowly.

He picked her up, turning to go back. He was met with Natsu, who had followed him out.

"Gray, what's-" He was stopped when he saw Layla in Gray's arms. "How-"

"She was attacked by Raven Tail. She wasn't lying when she said Minerva was being controlled. And she was the only one that knew, apart form Minerva herself, so they got her. She hit him, but they all showed up out of nowhere and-" Gray stopped, realising he was on the verge of tears.

Natsu smiled reassuringly. "It's fine. We need to get her to the infirmary, though. You do that, and I'll go and get Saber Tooth, okay?"

Gray nodded, walking back the way he came. He walked into the infirmary.

Erza was the first to see him. "Gray, what-" She saw Layla lying in his arms. "Oh my god. This is exactly what happened to Wendy."

Gray nodded. "I barely feel any magic power coming from her, and she's uninjured."

Porlyusica walked over to the three. "Oh my goodness, we have another that's been attacked?"

They both nodded grimly. "Bring her in. I'll give her a bed, and we ca help her recover, okay? Wendy's just been let go; she was put back in instead of Cana."

Gray kept on feeling this emotion he hadn't felt in a long time; guilt. He felt guilty that he didn't believe her, guilty that he didn't leave earlier, guilty that he wasn't able to save her...

Just like when he was younger. Guilty about Ur giving her life, guilty about how he was a burden, guilty about holding Lyon back.

He had learnt to overcome that guilt when he joined Fairy Tail.

But now it was back, full force. Gray felt hopeless, yet again.

Little Lucy Heartfilia (EDITING)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora