Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

I ran over and hugged Minerva's leg. "I'm part of your guild now." I said, smiling.

She picked me up, resting me on her hip. "So you're a dragon slayer, eh? What type?"

I decided to pick one nobody has heard of before. "Nature, mostly." I answered.

"Oh yeah? What was your dragon called?"

"Her name was Flora. She usually spoke to me in human form, although when we were training, she would always be a dragon. She disappeared, though. I've been looking for her, but I can't find her anywhere." I looked down, repeating the story I'd heard many times from Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy.

"Rogue and your older brother are dragon slayers too, you know." I looked up at her. "Are they really? Maybe they know where Flora is!" I took  off, rushing to ask them.

"Sting! Onii-chan!" I yelled.

"What? What is it, Layla?" He asked, obviously worried.

I showed him my mark. "I'm part of your guild now." I said, smiling.

"That's great, Layla!" He got onto his knees and hugged me.

"I heard you were a dragon slayer too. Do you know where Flora is?" I asked. He pulled back.

I heard Minerva rush into the room, stopping as she saw me talking to Sting. She was too late.

"Who'se Flora?" Sting asked.

"My mum, silly. She's a big, green dragon. She went missing a while ago. I heard you were a dragon slayer, so I was wondering if you knew where she went."

Sting shook his head. "I don't... sorry." I looked down.

"It's okay." I mumbled.

"Well, we have four hours left until M'lady's birthday ends, so let's party!" Orga interrupted. Everyone cheered loudly, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's your birthday?" I ran up to Minerva, tugging her dress.

"Yeah, it is." Minerva smiled at me.

"Happy birthday!" I smiled. She laughed. "Thanks, Layla."

-Time Skip-Two Weeks Later-

I was sitting in a restraunt with Rufus, Rogue, Frosch, Lector, Sting and Minerva. I was busy trying to eat a slice of pizza, something I had never tried before. But Sting ordered it, so I copied him.

I was studying how he ate it, before trying to myself. He stuffed almost the whole slice into his mouth before biting down and chomping. I opened my tiny mouth and tried to eat half the pizza slice, but only ended up eating a small portion off the end. I frowned, disappointed.

Minnerva smirked at my actions, elbowing Rufus and showing him.

"So, Layla." Rufus started up a conversation. "I've never seen you actually use your magic."

I smiled. "I guess that you'll have to wait to see it. I don't fight someone unless I have to."

Minerva raised an eyebrow at me.

"Fro thinks this is a good idea!" said Frosch, whilst nibbling on a fish.

"Well, I challenge you to a battle." Rogue said. "I want to see your full potential, and I've been wanting to fight someone since the last job I took."

"Okay." I said, struggling to take another bite of my pizza. "If you challenged me, I can't turn you down."

"Just to let you know, since you're a dragon slayer too, I will go full out on you."

"Me, too. I'd expect nothing less." I smiled angelicly at him.

"Aww." I heard Minerva say.

When we had finished our food, we went to an empty field. By then, most of the guild, including the Master, had gathered to see the fight.

I sighed. I guess I really did have to go full out, then.

"Are you both ready?" Sting asked. I nodded.

"Never better." Said Rogue.

"The battle will commence in three, two, one, GO!" Sting shouted, before being teleported to a safe distance away from us by Minerva.

"Shadow dragon roar!" Rogue started off strong.

"Sky dragon wing attack!" I said, cancelling out his spell.

My turn to dance. "Open, gate of the archer, Saggitarius!" I pulled out his key.

"Moshi moshi, it's been a while."

"Yes it has. Now on my command, I want you to shoot upwards, okay?" Sagittarius nodded.

I waited for the air to be right, slowing the wind around us. "Now!" I yelled.

Saggitarius shot five arrows sky high. I waited for them to start falling back down.

"Fire dragon talon!" I set all of the arrows on fire as I saw them coming back down.

"Elemental dragon ROAR!" I yelled, sending the arrows at Rogue lightning fast. They each exploded as they hit.

Rogue was bruised and beaten, but he was still standing. "Shadow dragon-" He began, but I cut him off.

"Nature dragon Iron fist!" I sent him flying across our makeshift battlefield.

Please, don't get back up Rogue. I hate hurting you.

Thank goodness, Rogue didn't get up. "And the winner is Layla Heart!" Sting announced, just as surprised as everyone else was. I beat Rogue without going full power? Did that mean I was a S-class mage? Because I beat one?
I ran over to heal Rogue quickly. Hopefully he wasn't hurt too bad.

"Impressive." Jiemma clapped, approaching me. "How would you feel about competing in GMG's?"

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's in two weeks. Each guild puts their top five wizards on a team, and the teams battle to see who wins the Grand Magic Games."

"So it's basically a competition to see who is the strongest wizard guild?" I asked.

"Yes. And we've won it for the past seven years." Jiemma boasted, smiling.

"Why not? I have nothing better to do." I said.

"Great! Then we have our team." Jiemma grinned at me.

Was I going to be battling fairy tail?

Edited: 20th December 2016

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