Why Didnt You Tell Me?

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Steve's POV.

Steve sat in a chair waiting to get tested by Howard. Bucky had decided to tag along. Steve hoped Howard would figure out a way to get the dreams to stop. Ever since Steve got in contact with the cube he had been having dreams of the future. Things that he already lived through. The same exact times. One most of all being Peggy's death. It was wearing Steve down.

"Okay so your going to go to sleep. And then when you wake up tell me exactly what you dreamt about." Howard said. "Okay." "We are going to measure how much, if any, radiation is in your body and if it becomes more active when you sleep." Steve nodded. Howard gave Steve a shot to induce sleep. Steve became very drowsy. His eyes closed. Darkness.

Then in a flash Steve was in a church carrying a casket down the isle. It was Peggy's. He knew it was a dream, but he began to feel this loneliness and hopelessness. He shed tears as he walked down the isle. He looked over and saw Sam. He seemed sorry for Steve.

Then another flash. He was with Natasha and was laughing about something. She was such a good friend. He didn't deserve her.

Flash. All of his friends had turned on one another. Everyone was fighting each other in a Civil War.

Flash. Steve stood by a screen with Tony and Bucky. Footage began to play of the Winter Soldier killing Tony's parents. Steve knew what was about to happen. He began to feel terrible worry and sorrow. Tony lunged at Bucky, but Steve held him back. "Tony don't." Tony glared at Steve. "Did you know?" "I didn't know it was him. "Don't give me that Rogers! Did you know?!" "Yes." Tony attacked Steve.

With a gasp Steve woke up. "Woah, Woah. Rogers it's okay." Howard told him. "Your heart rate was skyrocketing! What happened?" Steve opened his mouth about to tell Howard everything, but then he remembered...Bucky. He was there. "I...there were moments, memories from my dream." "Okay what moments?" "Does it really matter what moments?" "Yeah it does."

"It was of Peggy. She died. I...I was at her funeral carrying her coffin. Then I was with Natasha-" "Whose Natasha?" Bucky asked. "She's a good friend or was a good friend. She probably will never know me, but anyway... we were laughing about something. Then I was in the middle of a battle between all my friends. Half of us were for something called the Accords and half of us were not. I wasn't. The leader of the other side forced us to battle each other. It...didn't end well."

"I see. Anything else?" Steve looked over to Bucky. Then turned back to Howard. "No. Nothing else." Howard nodded.

"Hey, Buck?" Steve called. He nodded. "Yeah?" "Could you call Peggy for me and tell her I'll be late for dinner and that everything's going fine. I don't want her to worry." "Yeah, sure." Then Bucky left.

"Okay so I took the radiation count and it should be complete it will just take a moment." "Howard?" "Yeah?" "I didn't tell you everything?" "But you said that was it. Nothing else." "I know, but...I couldn't tell you in front of Bucky." "Why?" "Because...he just can't know about this. Okay?" "Okay??" Howard answered.

Steve took a deal breath. "The last part of my dream, I was standing in a large room with three of my closest friends. One of which, just happened to your son, Howard." "Son?! I'm never getting married so how could I have a...oh no!" Steve knew what Howard was thinking. There had been so many girls in his life. And at the moment he and Maria were taking a break. "No, Howard it's not like that. Okay? You actually do fall inlove. Anyway let me continue." "Okay."

"We were trying to stop this evil man who we thought was trying to let loose some evil Super soldiers, like the Winter Soldier, but he wasn't. He had tricked us. He turned on a tape of...your assassination." Howard got really quiet.

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