11- Family

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Rayne P.O.V
I found another horse and road with the guard back to Mirkwood. When we arrived I was surprised to say the least.

"My lord, I have returned with Lady Rayne," the guard told Thranduil.

"You are dismissed," Thranduil sternly replied. He didn't question where Legolas was. Thranduil probably knew Legolas wouldn't return after hearing about Tauriel being banished.

We were in his study alone and only after the guard closed the door did he react. He sighed, "Rayne, what a relief it is to know that you are alive. Your father would have killed me if he had learned you were killed by an orc." After that little moment of compassion he was back to his usual self. "You defied my orders. I strictly forbade you from following Legolas yet you did so anyways."

His tone was so cold an emotionless that it would have made me cower in fear, but I didn't. Instead I stood firm. "I couldn't sit idly by as Legolas left. I wanted to help," I replied.

"How can you help if you get yourself killed? Have you ever though that maybe for a second there are people who care about you? You can't just keep going risking yourself just on a whim," he yelled and I flinched at the harshness. "That is selfish of you. You don't think of anyone's feelings but yourself. You think I don't see how worried my son was when the orcs attacked and you were in the fight. I have felt lose that you can never imagine and I don't intend for my son to go through the same pain if he loses you."

His words stung like a thousand blades piercing my heart. So this was the famous wrath of King Thranduil. "I'm sorry," I spoke as I looked down towards the floor.

He was right. I was being selfish. I wanted to stay by Legolas's side. I couldn't bare the thought of being away from him that I followed him without thinking of the dangers.

"All is forgiven, now will you march with me to the lonely mountain? There is something that I too desire in the mountain." He turned to look out the window. "Tell me, how is Legolas?"

"He is well."

"How did he take the news of Tauriel being banished?"

"He said that if there is no place for Tauriel then there is no place for him."

He walked over to the other side of the room. "That is all, now go get cleaned up and prepare for our journey. We will carry supplies as well for the villagers. Make sure we carry enough provisions. We leave at dawn." I looked out the window. It was midday which gave us plenty of time to prepare.

He maybe a cold king but sometimes just sometimes he does something that will surprise you. "Yes my lord."

"I thought I told you not to call me that."

I just laughed as I walked out of his study. I took a nice long soak in the water. While I was enjoying the warm water against my skin I thought of what we would need. It was obvious that there was going to be conflict over the gold in Erebor and a war was a possibility. I should bring spare daggers and arrows.

I got out of the water and began to dress. I wore a pair of pants and a shirt. I had a dagger in each of my boots and a sword at my waist along withy sheath of arrows and bow. After packing an assortment of herbs and medicine I was ready.

I made my way to where the people were packing the supplies. I spoke to who was in charge and together we made sure all the provisions needed were packed.

I walked to the throne room were Thranduil was waiting on his army to finish preparations. "The provisions are packed and ready to go, we just wait on the army and your command."

Ni mestathol? // Legolas (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang