10- Turmoil

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Legolas P.O.V
The orc lead to an army of orcs who fled. I quickly turned around and headed back to the town.

Just as I had finished telling Tauriel what I had discovered an elf that was part of my father's guard approaching where we were, still a few miles off. I said nothing of it as I saw Rayne walk to where we were and it looked like she had been attending to the villagers.

"How have you been holding up?" Tauriel asks Rayne.

"Decently, I have the gotten hurt yet," she joked and I gave her a concerned look. "Come on Legolas, I'm fully capable of taking care of myself.

"Still it doesn't make me anymore comfortable with the fact that you're in danger. Those dwarves woke up a dragon, what else can they do? We're lucky enough that the bowman has a black arrow."

"You worry too much Legolas," she sighs.

"It's my job to worry about you. What will I tell Arwenvif anything happens to you? Or worse, Lord Elrond your father. He won't trust me ever again to watch over you."

"Then I'll tell him that it was my decision and you had no say in it at all. You're forgetting my brothers, now they might have a few choice words."

I could feel the blood drain from my face. Never had I given it a thought that a Rayne has older brothers, she always talks about Arwen so it's easy to forget. "Do they know about the engagement?"

She shakes her head. "They weren't in Rivendale when ada told me, but I'm pretty sure they know by now." She laughs. "Don't tell me you're scared they're gonna hurt you?"

"I didn't say I was scared," I retaliate.

"It's written all over your face Legolas," Tauriel speaks. "It's obvious."

"Yeah, you aren't wearing your usual poker face, it's kinda refreshing," Rayne muttered.

"Rayne, what do you want to do as soon as we go back to Mirkwood?" I question.

"Hmmm, visit the lake," she told me after giving it some thought. "I want to paint the scenery."

"I didn't know you painted," Tauriel exclaimed.

"It's a hobby of mine, I haven't really had time to draw or any inspiration. I did try and draw a portrait of King Thranduil but it didn't come out as I imagined so I just stopped drawing for a while. I've been wanting to draw you." She looks at me.

"Me? Why?"

"Just because, I think you'd be a good model. I've also wanted to draw Tauriel, her hair is a fiery red that catches my eye. The way it just seemed to glisten in the light as if it were fire itself." Rayne blushed as she found herself gushing over artistic things. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I take that as a compliment, I love my red hair as well. When we go back to Mirkwood I'd like to get to know you better. I could help you improve on swordsmanship and you can teach me how to embroider."

I smile as I watch the two of them bond. Tauriel was like a sister to me. She reminded me of Rayne when we were on our week long trip in the forest. Rayne and Tauriel both had a fiery spirit except that I didn't have to worry about her. I knew Tauriel was capable of taking care of herself, Rayne on the other hand, I worried for. Not because she's weak or anything but I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to her.

"Legolas, one of your father's guards is approaching," Rayne whispers in my ear.

"I know. I knew my father wouldn't let us leave just like that. He's still a ways off, we have time." I looked at her hand and chuckled. She was wearing the ring.

"Just be careful Legolas, I know how reckless you can get."

"Me? Reckless? What about yourself? You followed me into a forest where orcs could have attacked and killed you. You maybe able to handle a few at a time but a whole pack is a different story."

"You make a good point, but I don't regret my decision. I never will because I did what I felt was right."

"As you wish."

"We need to leave if we want to catch up with the dwarves. The villagers can't survive in this weather. There isn't enough food or water. At this rate they'll die," Tauriel pointed out.

"We have to go to the lonely mountain. There only hope of rebuilding their town is by Thorin giving them the money he had promised them, but for now they need food."

I stood there again watching as the two talked. The villagers seemed to be worried as well, but the children were happily playing in the fields. If that bowman had not had that black arrow in his possession the dragon, Smaug, would have destroyed the town completely and the casualty rate would have been higher.

I couldn't help but keep my eyes off of Rayne. Even after the battle and the destroy the town her eyes shone with the same fiery will as always. Nothing could diminish that spirit of hers, it only made her grow more determined if that. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a braid as her eyes looked at the villagers.

The guard arrived after what seemed like hours, but even that did not seem long enough to me. I knew my father would want us to return or else he'd punish us. Rayne and Tauriel have already defied him by leaving, but so have I and the only difference is that I am his son. If anything I could so easily escape punishment but I couldn't say the same to them. Rayne, my father couldn't possibly punish her. The guard stopped right where we were.

"My lord Legolas, I bring word from your father," he spoke. "You are to return to him immediately."

I turn to look at Tauriel and Rayne. "Come Tauriel and Rayne."

"My lord," the guard began, "Tauriel is banished."

"Banished?" I question.

He nodded. "He demands to have you and Lady Rayne back at the palace."

"You tell my father if there is no place for Tauriel, there is no place for me."

"Legolas, it is your king's command," Tauriel speaks.

"Yes he is my king, but he does not command my heart. I ride north, will the two of you come with me?"

"Legolas, I will go back," Rayne said taking me by surprise.

"As you wish, at least I'll know that you'll be safe."

I turn around and walk off with Tauriel. As soon as I hopped on to the horse I knew that leaving behind Rayne was for the best. I couldn't protect the both of us if we were ambushed by a pack of more of orcs. She would be safer with my father and the other elves. I knew she had some sort of plan in mind. She always seemed to think ahead. All I could think of now was figuring out what the orcs were planning.

As soon as we saw Bolg's army marching we knew we needed to warn the others especially the dwarves. They had no idea what was coming their way.

A/N: 5/3/17
Word Count: 1,228
What I've been doing for each chapter is switching between Rayne and Legolas's point of view. So next will be Rayne's chapter .
Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated.

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