7- Starlight

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Rayne P.O.V
I walked down to the throne room to see if Thranduil was there. I wanted to check that everything was in order but I heard voices.

"Legolas said you fought well today," I heard Thranduil say.

"Legolas thinks of me as nothing more than a captain of the guard," I hear someone that I recognize as Tauriel reply.

"Maybe at one time, but now I'm not so sure."

"You wouldn't let your son pledge himself to a lowly silvan Elf."

"No, you're right."

I couldn't hear anymore. Without thinking I went to the library. I've always felt safe and at home around books.

There I sat down in a chair and curled up into a ball. Why was I reacting this way? It isn't like I love Legolas. That ridiculous elf. Always teasing me. I could feel hot tears run down my face. Why was I even crying?

I chuckled as I felt the tears. I knew why I was crying. I just didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to say the words. I wanted to bury them until I was ready to admit them. Admit that I've been lying to myself this whole time. I'm falling for Legolas.

I heard the doors to the library open. I look up to see Thranduil standing there.

"Why are you crying Rayne?" He asks.

I shook my head. "It is nothing," I dismiss it.

"You should be celebrating tonight. Drinking and dancing to your hearts content. What troubles you?"

During this week, Thranduil and I have learned more about each other than I could ever imagine. He became like a second father to me.

"Is it Legolas?" He asks.

"It is nothing Thranduil."

"It is not nothing. So tell me why have you been crying?" His tone turned from caring to stricter tone.

"Yes, it is because of Legolas. I'm scared that I am falling in love with him while he doesn't return my feelings," I say so softly that I doubt he heard me.

I couldn't gather the strength to look him in the eyes. "I see. Well don't fret, Legolas will come around. Men are usually slow to realize these things." I looked at him, a bit shocked at what he had said. "Legolas is fond of you. I cannot tell where it might go, that is up to you and him to decide. Now go before he starts to wonder where you are. And don't worry, everything is in order, just enjoy yourself for tonight."

I hugged him. "Thank you Thranduil."

I walked to our room, hoping that Legolas would still be there. He was.

He smiled at me. "All done with your final check list. Everything in order?" I nodded. "Now why don't we enjoy ourselves?"

Legolas took me by the hand and we walked out to where the feast was. All the elves greeted us as the feast had already commenced. Thranduil was seated in his throne. Some where dancing while others enjoyed the food. I could tell all the She-elves had their eyes set on Legolas.

"Rayne, why don't we dance for a bit? There's some place I want to show you later when the moon is at is brightest," Legolas spoke.

He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the dance floor just as a new song began to play.

Legolas wrapped his arm around my waist as we danced to the song. I couldn't help but look at him as we danced, it was hard not to when you're so close together with someone like this. I forgot all my worries and just drowned myself in this feeling. Legolas was a good dancer, there was no doubt about that. Dancing with him made me feel like it was just the two of us with no one around us. It was like we were in our own little world and I found peace in this.

"Legolas, do you think it wise not to check in with the guard?" I question.

"My princess, you worry too much. But it shall be as you wish. I will be right back. Why don't you enjoy yourself?"

Legolas walked away through the sea of people. It was clear to me that I didn't know many people in Mirkwood, except for Tom and Arden. I look up to see Thranduil walk up to me.

"Where has my son gone?" He asks.

"To check in with the guard."

"That would be best. We have some dwarf prisoners that were brought in today." I could see it in his eyes and tone that Thranduil had not been happy at the appearance of these dwarves. The feud between Elves and Dwarves was not a secret one.

"Are you not going to join in the celebrations?"

"I haven't danced in centuries. Not since Legolas's mother passed away," he replied in a low but firm tone.

"I understand, forgive me for asking."

"It's alright Rayne. Why don't you have a cup of wine? I had only the finest for tonight's celebration."

I smiled. "As expected of the great King Thranduil, you're parties are as extravagant as they say."

"This is all your doing Rayne, I only approved of your plans. I see Legolas coming back."

I will never understand Thranduil completely and that is the beauty of it all. It is who he is.

"Did I make you wait long?" Legolas inquired.

"Not at all, why don't we try some of that wine your father chose."

"Are you sure? Elves have been known to get drunk on the alcohol that my father serves at his parties," he warned.

"That's the fun of it. Come on, don't tell me you're lightweight. Legolas, we are both 2,931, I think we are old enough to drink."

"Alright, I'll grab a bottle or two and we can take it to our room. I don't want to cause a scene so early in the party. The sun is barely setting."

I laughed. Maybe he was lightweight and didn't want everyone to see him drunk.

A/N: 4/24/17
Word Count: 1,019

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