4- Teasing

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Legolas P.O.V
Laughing I tell Tom, "My father decided it was about time I settled down and have a family." I wrapped my arm around Rayne's waist and kissed her on her cheek. "I think he's right."

She pushes me away. "Legolas, stop being a tease."

I was puzzled. "What's wrong?"

She looks at me and I could see she was a little shaken. "I just didn't feel comfortable."

"I'm sorry," I apologize.

She sighs. "It's alright my prince. All is forgiven."

I cleared my throat. "Sorry about that Tom," I apologize.

"No worries, now what can I get for you?"

"A box of macaroons and a few scones," Rayne tells him.

"Looks like someone has a sweet tooth, would you like to pick the flavors if the macaroons or should I just put two of every kind?"

I couldn't help but smile as she chose her sweets. Tom was right, she does have a sweet tooth.

"Tom is such a nice man," Rayne says as we walk out of the bakery. "Is he a friend of yours?"

"I know everyone in the village, but he's, he's a friend of mine. He makes the lembas bread that we take on long journeys so I see him often."

"You must really love exploring. I wish I could go with you. I've never really seen much outside of Rivendale and now Mirkwood except for the road between the two."

"Well you can assist us in our journey to eradicate the spiders from the forest like we had discussed earlier. It will be fun, you can meet the captain of the guard, Tauriel. So what do you want to see now?"

"Well I chose first so now it's only fair you chose now," she replies. "I'm happy with anything."

I grin. "I know just the place."

I take her to where some of the elves perform folk music and there is always dancing. Without a second thought I pull her to the dance floor putting the boxes of baked goods on a bench.

"Legolas, what's come over you?" She questions.

"I just what to show you a good time. Is that too much to ask?"

She just laughed at my childish behavior and we danced. I didn't know myself what had come over me, all I knew was that I felt like dancing with her. I only danced on rare occasions. It wasn't because I was terrible at it, but I was picky. I could afford to be because I was the prince. Maybe it was also the fact that no one had really caught my attention before. There was someone from time to time at one of my father's parties but nothing past a few dances.

The dance changed to a traditional folk dance. I saw as Rayne smiled as her pale blonde hair shone as bright as the sun. Her eyes twinkled and shined so bright that they would shame those of the stars.

"What us on your mind my prince?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, I was just admiring how beautiful you look."

I didn't know if it was a trick of the light but I could have sworn I saw her blush. "You're a good dancer," she commented.

"And so are you."

"Tell me, are you always like this with everyone?"

"Not with everyone, only with you," I reply.

She just brushed it off and the song finished. Rayne walks over to where we had left the pastries and picks them up. I hadn't realized the people who were watching us. I just followed her like a lost puppy.

We walked for a while as Rayne admired all the different little shops and places. Once in a while there would be something that would catch her eye or a treat she just wanted to taste. She tells me I act like a kid but so does she.

"I'm exhausted," she exclaimed as we took a seat in my- I mean our room.

"Well we did walk around practically all of Mirkwood." I took a seat on the bed. "Now what would you like to do?"

"Well it is barely noon so maybe we could go eat lunch in the forest or something during our horseback ride," she replied. Her blonde hair was neatly combed in a braid.

"Sounds good, why don't you go prepare the food down in the kitchen while I saddle the horses?" I gave her directions on how to get to the kitchen and made sure to grab my duel swords and a dagger or two just in case.

Once the horses were saddled I found Rayne right by the entrance of the castle. She handed me the basket with the food and I secured it on one of the horses.

"So where to my prince?" She asked as she got on the horse.

"We go beyond the gates of Mirkwood. There's a place I think you might like."

We arrive at the gates where we are stopped by the guards.

"I'm sorry Prince Legolas but the King has ordered that no one leaves without his consent until the spiders have been eliminated," one of the guards states.

"What is the status update on them?"

"More are moving in from the west. It would be best if we take immediate action."

I nod. "I shall go speak with my father and arrange a task force to solve this problem." I look at Rayne and frown. "Another time my princess. The forest is not safe at the moment."

She just smiles in response as we head back. The ride back to the castle was a quiet one as Rayne seemed to be distracted by the nature. I just smiled to myself as I admired her. She was curious with a fiery spirit. I chuckled as I remember how childish I was earlier when I tried to impress her. How is she able to make me act like a kid? One smile and I'm trying to make her laugh.

A/N: 4/10/17
Word Count: 1,011

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