13- Acceptance

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Rayne P.O.V
Thranduil wasted no time the next morning as we chose the menu for the wedding along with trying on the dress. I was greeted by a group of seamstresses who were there to take all my measurements and to get my dress fitted. Apparently he has chose the dress for me. I wasn't complaining though, any dress was fine for me and though I do admit, Thranduil has style.

After the dress fitting I was called to his study. Legolas had been assigned to work on the guard today so he was preoccupied at the moment. I'm positive Thranduil had planned this all along. Walking into his study I find Thranduil writing something at his desk.

"You called?" I ask.

"Yes, there is something I would like to give you." I walked to his desk as he handed me a box. I took it in my hands and put it down in front of me. Then I opened it to discover a tiara. "I had it fashioned for you as soon as you arrived."

"It's gorgeous," I exclaim as I run my hand over the intricate design.

"Why don't you try it on ," he said in a questioning way but it sounded more like a command coming from him.

I carefully removed it from the box and placed it on my head. "It fits perfectly," he announced. I moved to take it off again but he shook his head. "Keep it on, it looks good on you. Legolas refuses to wear his, maybe you might end up convincing him."

Thranduil was wearing his crown now but during the battle he had been wearing his diadem. "That does sound like something Legolas would do." I laughed.

"I forgot to mention that your family is coming over to help prepare for the wedding."

"Are my brothers coming?" I question.

"Of course, why wouldn't they?"

I chuckle. "I hope Legolas is prepared to face them." Thranduil looked a bit puzzled. "Well I must get going. Thank you for everything Thranduil."

I walked into our room and closed the door. Legolas was sitting in a chair as he looked at the scenery outside our window.

"What are you looking at?" I ask as I sit on his lap. My head resting on his shoulder.

"Nothing in particular, I was just thinking," he replied.


"Life, you, us, we're getting married in a few days. That's a lot to take in."

I looked at him. "So are you saying you don't want to get married?"

"Never, I want to marry you. I decided that the moment I gave you that ring. I just can't help but think of my mother and how she would have love you." He caresses my cheek. "That tiara looks good on you love."

"Thank you, you're father gave it to me in hopes you'd wear yours. I expect you to when we greet my family, especially my brothers."

I could feel Legolas tense up. "Your brothers?"

I laughed. "Are you scared? The great Legolas scared of his two future brothers-in-law? You took down a legion of orcs during the battle of the five armies yet you're scared to meet my brothers."

"I'm not scared," he argues, "I'm just nervous."

"You have every right to be. They're very overprotective."

"Rayne, you're not helping."

"Hmmm, maybe you should be scared. They'll beat you to a pulp. Elladan and Elronhir are both warriors."

"Rayne!" He yelled as I broke down laughing. "Not helping!"

"Why don't we go visit Tom? And put on your diadem," I instruct him.

Ni mestathol? // Legolas (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now