Irvine groaned while slowly rolling her eyes, "I hate that job. Diana makes me get her coffee that's all the way across town. I'm like a pack mule to her."

"That's work, Irvine. That's what you have to do, it's work." I pointed out while sliding out of bed now that I'm wide awake.

Irvine groaned once more and followed me into the bathroom so she can lay out her problems.. "I never wanted this job. Dad just laid it on me because of his crazy theories."

"Then prove him wrong. Start going to work, so Diana can get off both of our backs." I said before brushing my teeth.

Irvine slowly rolled her eyes before taking out her phone, "James is going to take me out for dinner tonight, you wanna come?"

I spit out the foamed toothpaste into the sink before saying, "Don't want to be a third wheel."

"So you just going to stay in the mansion all night. Why not go out with Max and Justice?"

"And be a third wheel to them, hell no. I'm fine, I need to relax." I made up an accurate excuse that would not convince Irvine, but she'll have to deal with it. "Besides Mike is supposed to FaceTime me tonight before he goes to school." I said with a cheerful smile.

"Even when you're not home physically, you're there mentally." She said while stepping out the bathroom.

"What does that supposed to mean?!" I yelled out before going back to brushing my teeth.

"It means you need to experience Barcelona like a regular twenty-two year old woman. Go to a party, a bar, somewhere to get your freak on!" She said back.

"Maybe I don't want to get my freak on. I didn't exactly come to Barcelona to go party, I'm here to get this money so I can start over in New York."

Irvine was unusual silent... No comeback, no snort, not even a heavy sigh.. She probably left the room in defeat, but Irvine always get the last laugh. I walked out the bathroom after brushing my teeth and washing my face to see Irvine on my phone, typing away. "Seriously!" I yelled out, shocking her into dropping my phone on to the hard wood floor.

I rolled my eyes at her before picking my phone up to see what she's been doing. Irvine was texting to an unknown number in my phone, whoever it is seem to like to text in slang. I had to reach into the very back of mine to understand everything. "Why are you setting me up on a blind date? Who is this person?"

"I'm not setting you up on a date. And Marcus is one of James friends."

"No, I'm not doing this."

"Why not?" She whined while stomping her foot like a child. She sweep her red hair off her shoulders with a pout upon her face.

"I don't want to." I plainly said while deleting the conversation, but I did not block the persons number because apart of me is interested. "I'm going to go to the outside and appreciate the fresh air." I grabbed my sketch book and pencil before putting on my slides.

Irvine bite her lip to keep whatever comment she had inside her head. "Fine." She simply said before collecting her belongings. "I'm going to get ready."


I sat outside on the garden bench surrounded by lilies, roses, daisies and wild flowers. It was beautiful...inspiring...motivating. My pencil moved upon the paper so fluently...smooth....flowing. My bottom lip was tucked in between my teeth as I concentrated on my quick fix for the day.

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