My Milkshakes Bring All The Boys To The Yard

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"Yeah, I'm the coach's daughter so I'm around them all the time. Usually they're okay but sometimes I wanna punch some of them, they can just be a little much sometimes, y'know?" I laugh at how crazy these Otters can be.

I had started talking to a very pretty blonde girl who I could tell kept checking Dylan out every time she had the chance. I decide to help his chances out because I know that shirt isn't going to do the trick.

"Actually," I begin, "Dylan has been super sweet this entire time. Him and I have become really great friends! He's there whenever I need him and I can trust him with literally anything." I finished, watching her face light up as I was speaking about Dylan. Hmm, maybe that shirt was working after all.

"Yeah, from what conversations I've had with him tonight he seems super sweet and chill. I really wanna get his number or snapchat or whatever but I'm kinda nervous." She looked at me chucking a little. "I mean, I don't want him to think I'm just some puck bunny who only wants to hook up with him 'cause of hockey or whatever. My friends actually forced me to this party and to wear this outfit. I'm usually a ripped jeans and t-shirt kinda gal." She finished looking down at herself, slightly frowning.

"Hey, Kennedy, it's really fine. You look amazing in these shorts and crop top! Trust! Now go on over there and ask him for his number. I promise you he will not say no to a gorgeous girl like yourself!" I said pushing my newly made friend, Kennedy Moore, over to Dylan.

"Okay! Okay! But while I'm over here please go talk to Mack. He's been staring at you all night. Just give him a chance, he's a super sweet guy. I've known him since I was like three years old." Ken said before she practically skipped over to Dyl.

I turn and start to make my way towards the kitchen, looking for another cold water. As I'm making my way over I catch Mack staring, and I hope he follows. I guess he receives my telepathic message as he hops off the arm of the couch and makes his way towards the kitchen.

I have such mixed feelings right now. Yes Mack seems like an amazing guy; sweet, sincere, kind, funny, exciting and of course gorgeous, but I really do like Connor. I've liked Connor for so long and I don't think I'll ever stop liking him, but I'll never know if I don't try, right? Like I said, I need to see if I can go an entire weekend without wanting to kiss him and call him mine. I need to know if I can truly move on from Mr. McDavid.

I enter the kitchen, acting as though I don't know Mack is right behind me. Let's see if this guy has the guts to strike up a conversation.
I open one of the cooler on the ground, reach in and grab a nice cold water.

"No devil's juice for you tonight?" Mack says stifling a laugh.

"Oh, no not tonight. Dad's got a bit rule against drinking. None of us do it. Us as in the Otters." I clarify.

"Well let me make you something better than just water." He says opening the fridge, looking at the possibilities inside. "Uh...what about a milkshake? I make a mean P.B and chocolate! It's what I drink on my chest days." He says, showing his sly grin across he's structured face.

"Oh hell yes! Shakes are the best fuckin' thing." I cheer, and get another sly grin in return.

Mack pulls all of the ingredients out of the fridge and freezer as we talk about his hockey career and our school. He finally finishes the milkshake and it looks to-die-for! He slowly pours it into a large glass cup and sticks a straw into it, adding a couple chocolate chips on top. This boy was a magician with food.

I quickly take a sip, enjoying the cool sensation running down the back of my throat, though my enjoyment is cup short when Mack takes a sip.

"And what do you think you're doing?" I ask, playfully ripping the cup from his hands.

He begins to laugh. "No, don't do that! That was my move!"

I look at him knowingly, "Wow. That was it? Make me a milkshake and you think I'll be all over you?" I said giggling.

"I mean, that's kinda what I was hoping for." He grins shyly. Man this boy was adorable.

He slowly begins to lean in and I'm forced to think on my feet. As soon as he's an inch away I grab the whip cream and spat it all over his nose and mouth.

"Hey!!!!" Mack shouts, jumping back, wiping part of the whip cream away just leaving some on his bottom lip.

I start to laugh quite hard and decide it's a perfect photo opt so I take out my phone and make a get snapchat story.

As I slide my phone back into my pocket I look at Mack and think about how much fun I'm having without Connor. That is good. That is a fantastic sign.

"I think you missed a little." I say a little seductively as I reach up and wipe a bit of the whip cream off of his bottom lip with my thumb. He presses me against the counter, reaping me in between him and the cool marble.

I look into his eyes and lick the whip cream off of my thumb. "Mmm." I say, grinning afterwards. He keeps his eyes locked on mine as he chuckles as well.

"I think you missed a little too." He says, inching himself towards me, closing all space between us. He begins to lean in and this time I let him.

It's a weird feeling at first, as I hit the whip cream. We both retreat, licking our own lips and laughing at the whole situation.

He finally break the silence that occurs after our laughing fit, "I like your laugh Kayella." He says, showing a genuine smile.

"Why thank you," I say cheekily, "now let's get back to that last part. I was enjoying that." I say flirtatiously, running my hand up to his chest.

He cups my cheek and grabs my lower back as he begins to kiss me. He slowly makes his way down to my ass then to my legs. I get the message a jump, as I'm lifted to the counter top. The cold marble cools my boiling blood.

He goes back to cupping my cheek and holding my lower back as I begin to play with his hair. He lets out small moans, telling me I'm doing something right.

He slowly moved down to my ear and then my neck leaving small kisses and bites until he reaches his destination. He begins to suck on my collar bone, proudly trying to leave his mark.

Just as I'm about to moan he stops and looks me on the eye as he slowly closes his and leans in for a soft kiss...a real kiss. He backs away timidly, showing nothing is wrong.

"By the way," he begins, "I really do like that crop top." And we both burst into laughter.

As it slowly dies down we start up again, and just as we're back to where he finished, slowly exploring my chest area, we are interrupted yet again. Only this time, it's because Connor McDavid was in the doorway.

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