First Day

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Sorry! This chapter isn't too exciting, but I promise more excitement soon!

But how good do the NA team boys look!


SHIT! I slept in.

I jump out of bed, cursing myself for being late. This never happens, what the hell! I go to my closet throwing on the clothes I picked out last night, thank god I did that.

I rush over to my makeup station. I put on some concealer, powder, a hint of gold eyeshadow, a thin line of eye liner, and mascara. I then begin to brush out my hair, noticing a huge bump from sleeping with it wet.

"Shit! 7:21." I say to myself as I take out my straightener. Okay school starts at 8:00. Which means I should have enough time to just make myself a bagel with....

Before I can finish my thought I hear my phone buzz. A text from Connor.

Connor🏒: morning sunshine😂 Stromer and I will be there in 10. And don't worry bout getting breaky, we're heading to Timmies.

Me: Woahhh Whattt! There's a Timmies?!

Connor🏒: ya, so get dressed and brush yo teeth. We'll be there in 9 mins

I turn to the mirror again and quickly straighten out the bump in my hair before braiding the two front pieces and connecting them at the back of my head. I then rush to my bathroom, brushing my teeth, putting on deodorant and my playboy perfume. I go to grab my book bag just as I hear the doorbell ring. I run upstairs to answer it, but dad's already there talking to Connor.

"Morning McDavid." Dad says with a happy grin.

"Morning coach." He replies before adding, "Thanks again for having us over last night. The boys and I had a good time."

"Anytime, son. I want you boys to know that my family is here for you whenever you need."

"Morning you two." I say interrupting their conversation.

"Hey" Connor says smiling.

"Morning honey!" My dad says kissing my forehead. "Have a good day, okay? And Connor, look after her." He says with a chuckle while bumping his hip into my stomach.

"Will do coach." He says eagerly, moving out of the way for me to exit my home.

"Bye dad, love ya."

We walk towards Connor's black ram pick up truck. It's sparkling.

"Wow nice ride." I say looking the truck up and down.

"Why thank ya!" He says opening my door like a proper gentlemen. I'm in the back with Stromer and Connor's backpacks, while Stromer is in the front seat and Connor is at the wheel.

"How ya doin' Kay? Excited for your first day?" Dylan asks turning to look at me.

"Yeah I guess." I say laughing, "I just hope I don't piss anyone off, most people hate new kids."

"Well if they come at ya, you know all of us got your back." Connor says turning his head to back out of the driveway and shooting me a smile.

We drive to Tim Hortons and pick up three breakfast sandwiches and three chocolate chills.

"Man I missed this! It's been two days and I've missed this so much!!!" I say taking a huge gulp of my chocolatey goodness.

"Yeah Dyl and I spent a whole day looking for a Tim's. We're both from Ontario, so we were missing it way too much." Connor says.

On the drive to school we begin to talk about the practice tonight, and the plan for Connor to drive Dylan, Alex and I.

As we pull up to the school my jaw literally drops. Jesus this is huge! Connor parks the car and hops out, walking to my door to open it for me.

"Thanks." I say.

I assume he notices my face which is a mix of horror and amazement so he asks, "You okay there Kay?"

"Oh yeah, yeah...its this place is huge! I'm way more intimidated now." I say nervously laughing.

"Hey don't worry, you've got us. We'll show you around and help you out, don't worry." Connor says putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Ya Kay, don't worry. We'll tell ya who to stay clear of, first up...this guy." Dylan says grabbing Alex DeBrincat into a headlock as Connor and I begin to laugh.

"Alright kids, break it up." Connor says pulling the two apart, "Let's get Kay to her first class."

"Exercise science," I say "with Mr. Miles."

"Same." They all say in-sync.

We walk into the school and it looks even bigger on the inside. Connor can sense my nerves and places his arm around my shoulders again, squeezing them reassuringly. I look up to him as he looks down to me and we smile to each other. I'm happy I've got him with me.

"Hey McDavid. How's it going?" A girl with long bleach blonde hair says to Connor. She's wearing the smallest black shorts with the finest white crop top, pushing her boobs to her ears. Man I really hope all the girls aren't like this. Where's Lilly when I need her?

"Oh. Hi Brittany." Connor says unimpressed, which makes me smile a bit.

"Who's the new meat?" Brittany asks with a bitchy tone, noticing his arm around me.

"This is Kay. She moved here from Toronto with her mom and dad. Her dad's our new coach." He says looking at me with that big smile on his face.

"Well welcome to Erie High." She said staring me down. "So Connor, wanna walk me to exercise science?" She asks turning her focus back to Connor.

"Nah sorry, I'm showing Kay around." He says tightening his grip on my shoulders, starting to walk away. I can see the stare that Brittany is giving me. Greattt...this ought to be fun!

We walk around the school while Connor, Dylan and Alex point different things out to me. I appreciate the help but it's seriously pointless, I'm gonna get lost when I have to walk to my second class.

"...and this is exercise science." He says as we walk into the class.

"Hey Mr.Miles this is Kay. She's new." Connor says to the teacher.

"Ah yes, the famous Kay. Well welcome, you can take a seat with Connor here." He says pointing to two desks at the front of the class.

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