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"Kay, you're lucky I woke you up or you would've missed breakfast." Dylan says as we take our seats in the locker room at the rink.

"Yeah, thanks Dyl. That breaky was amazing! I forgot how much better Canadian bacon was! Man I missed Canada so much!" I say, reminiscing about that glorious bacon.

Just as I finished with my flashback of the bacon, my dad walked in. "Good morning boys! How did we all sleep last night?" He boomed into the room. All the boys answer with 'great's and 'awesome's, and I smile and say 'absolutely fantastic'. I come in a little late and end up being the last one to say anything so the whole room turns and looks at me, laughing.

"What can I say? The bed was super comfy and I didn't have any annoying roommates to keep me from my lovely slumber." I smile wide.

"Okay, well, anyway... we've got a big game tonight boys! We need to come out strong and finish off even stronger." My dad encourages. "Now we're gonna have a pretty light practice today. We will just go through some shooting, passing and face-offs. Now let's finish getting dressed and get some sticks on the ice!" My dad finishes and leaves the room, followed by the rest of the coaching staff.

I walk to the centre of the room, watching all the boys trying to wake up as they put on their equipment. "And then after we kick the Bulldog's sorry asses, we can PARTAY!" I yell and the boys join together with hollers of excitement.

Practice goes by quite quickly, but the film review drags on. You can tell everyone is excited to just get out and go see friends and family. I'm extremely excited to see Beatrice and Octavia!

I am one of the first on the bus after practice is over. Currently, almost the whole team is on the bus except for Connor. He must be speaking to some people from the Leafs organization, it's a pretty big weekend and game for him. He seriously needs to play amazing against Hamilton, and show off his personality and hockey knowledge when he attends the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey game he was invited to. I just hope he isn't too concerned or nervous to party tonight.

"Kay! Geez slow down! You're gonna knock someone over!" My dad yells at me as I'm pushing past the boys in the front lobby of the hotel.
"Sorry dad! I need to shower and change so I can go see O and Trice! Love you!" I yell back, sprinting to the elevator.

I make it back down to the lobby in only 15 minutes. I'm wearing a white crop top, black ripped jeans, and an army green camp jacket, paired with my white converse. I look at my reflection in my phone as I walk into the lobby.

My God I am so incredibly excited to see Octavia and Beatrice! I haven't seen them in so long, we have so many things to catch up on. I need to tell them all about the whole Connor dilemma, and invite them to the party tonight. Speaking of which I should probably text....

"Oof" I grunt, falling to the floor.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" A rather deep voice apologizes. "Here, let me help you." He reaches down his hand, and I grab it. A strong sturdy hand, he's definitely a hockey player. I look up to him. Oh my, he's freaking hot.

He stares back. Before I can say anything he explains, "Hey, I'm really sorry for knocking you over. I was just looking at my phone 'cause I'm supposed to meet my buddy...." he trails off and starts to chuckle. "You probably don't care, sorry I babble a lot. Uh, I'm Mackenzie. Mackenzie Entwistle." He sticks his hand out for me to shake it, and I do.

"I'm Kayella. Uh, Kayella Ridez. And don't worry, I was looking at my phone too. Should have been paying attention." I say shyly. I can't seem to stop looking at his chizzled jaw line.

He rubs the back of his neck, biting his lip which almost makes my jaw drop. But before it can he asks, "Wait. Ridez. Like Coach Ridez, for the Otters?" I nod, smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah. He's my dad, we're here with the team....obviously."

"Wow. No way. I actually play for the Bulldogs. Guess we're enemies now." He says winking, and I can't help but melt.

I decide to get a bit of a flirt on. "Well doesn't that suck. Just as I was starting to like you, even after you knocked me on my ass."

He laughs, biting his lip again. "So would you by chance know where Raddysh is? I haven't seen him in a while and we have plans for lunch. But I gotta be honest, I'd much rather go with you."

Oh my goodness. "Well I'd hate to decline, Mack, but I've already got a date with my two best friends. But I'm sure I'll see you tonight, when we kick your ass." I say slowly walking away, making sure he has clear eye contact with my ass.

"Are you coming to the party afterwards?" He asks, begging for an answer.

I'll let him hang for a while. "I guess you'll have to see. Bye Mack." I say walking away and jumping into Octavia's Ford F-150 truck.

I am so sorry I haven't posted in so long! I'm also sorry the first bit of this chapter sucks! It took me about a month to write cause I was so busy so I kinda lost my train of thought! Anyways...I have exams and everything happening now so updates might be a little slow for the next week or two. Sorry but thank you so much for reading this story guys! It means so much to me! I mean more than 700 reads?!? SERIOUSLY OMG!

Alright keep hitting that favourite button and leave comments on what you wanna read about!

Also leave a comment if you're team Mack or team Connor!

Thank you so much!!!

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