The Boy Behind The Image

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*Just wanna say that I don't know the exact dates, times, events, scores or anything that happened. So I'm just going off of my own sorta timeline. This first game takes place in September, so I guess we're in September right now.*

"I think winning that game has set the bar for the rest of the season. London is one of the hardest teams we'll play this year, and if the boys know we can beat 'em then they'll know we can do anything together. I'm very honoured and excited to be able to not just play for, but be the captain, of this incredibly talented team. We have a great group of boys this year, and every single one of them has so much experience and skill it's crazy. I know it'll be a good season. Thanks guys." Connor wraps up his last interview, grabs his bag and jogs over to me.

"K, you ready to book it to the store?" He asks me.

"Connor! Connor! Is that your girlfriend?" A reporter yells for the whole room to hear him.

"No." He says as we both laugh.

"Yeah, not yet...." Dylan yells into the dead silent crowd of coaches, players and press.

"No, this is actually Kay Ridez. Also known as coach's daughter." Connor says as the reporter starts to walk toward us, wanting an interview with me.

"Okay, I know you want an interview but can we wait till next time? We just have somewhere we need to be right now. Thanks so much!" Copnnor says just before he pushes me out of the locker room.

'Run' he mouthed to me before racing down the hallway. I keep up with him until we reach his truck. Still confused of why we were running, I open my mouth to ask just as I see the press run out of the building waving their hands wanting us to stop so we can finish the interviews.

"I can't believe it's always like that." I say once we've pulled out of the rink's parking lot, and out of sight from the press. "That's seriously crazy!"

"Yeah...but, I don't know, it's okay." He replies shrugging his strong shoulders.

" don't hate that?!"

"No. It's okay. I mean, I watched all these interviews when I was a kid, so it's kinda like a step to where I'm going."

I look at him completely confused. "Explain please."

"When I was a kid, well actually I still do, I would watch press conferences and interviews with professional hockey players. I loved hearing them critique their performances, and I loved learning how to properly act in front of the media. So you ask if I hate having to go through that, the answer is no. Because if there is a kid wanting to watch my interviews or conferences, he or she can. If I didn't deal with the press then those kids, who are just like I was, wouldn't have that opportunity. And having kids want to watch me just like I wanted to watch my favourite hockey means I'm getting closer and closer to my lifetime goal."

I sit their for a moment, just thinking about how incredible this guy is. It's unbelievable. "Connor. I think you are the most humble, kind, and thoughtful guy I've ever met. What you just said, and how you interacted with's amazing. You're amazing." I say looking at him.

I see him smile, but still focusing on the road to the convenient store. "You know, you're not too bad yourself." He says with a small laugh, and I join in. "No seriously, thank you Kay. That means more than you think to me."

We both hop out of the car when we reach the 7/11. When we reach the store doors, Connor opens it for me with a smile.

"Thanks. Alright, we need some chips, pop, and Dylan wants you to grab him some jerky." I list off to Connor.

"Of course he does, oh my god. Freaking Stromer." He says laughing.

Connor throws the arm full of goodies on the counter. "Woah! You're that Connor McDavid kid aren't you! Man, you're a big freaking shot around here! My buddies and I can't wait to watch you play in the World Juniors! Man, good luck dude." The cashier says ringing everything in and placing it in the plastic bags.

"You know, I completely forgot about worlds. You excited for 'em?" I ask once were driving to Connor's.

"Yeah, but I'm also pretty nervous. We've got one more camp in October and then the list goes out of who made it." He says, eyes still on the road.

"Well I'm sure you will. And I think it'll be a lot of fun. I mean, you get to go back home, right?" I ask, feeling a pain in my stomach realizing I don't want Connor to leave.

"Yeah I would be able to, if I make it. That'd be pretty nice, I gotta say I am pretty home sick." He says looking a little down, but after a pause he adds, "But doing this sorta stuff is nice. I'm able to get my mind off of hockey and school and my homesickness, and everything else going on. I'm able to just chill with the boys, and of course a very special lady." He finishes squeezing my thigh, sending butterflies into my stomach.

"Woah, nice place Davey." I say walking into Connor's home, and using the nickname I've heard a couple of the boys use.

"Not as nice as your place, but thank ya. Okay kitchen is this way." He says leading me to his kitchen. "Aight, here's some bowls...and here's the cooler. Just chuck the pop in there and I'll throw some ice on it after. I'm gonna just shower real quick." He says running upstairs to his bathroom.

10 minutes later, as I'm putting the chips in the bowls, a body catches my eye. It's Connor...wearing only a towel around his hips.

My jaw nearly drops.

"That's a nice look." I say quickly to cover up my stare. "Is it your go-to party look?"

"Haha. Very funny. No actually, my clothes are in the dryer, almost done. So I thought I'd see if you needed some help."

Still not being able to take my eyes off of Connor I slowly walk towards his glistening body. I trace a scare on his bare chest, intrigued.

"That's from a skate." He says interrupting my thinking. "I was a little kid, goofing off on the pond back home when one of my buddy's skate sliced me, through my shirt."

I don't respond, tracing up to his broad shoulders, then down to his collar bone. I trace my finger back down to his chest and slowly towards his abs. I know I shouldn't be doing this...but I want to. He probably thinks I'm crazy. So I stop. I walk back towards my unfinished chip bowls. "Uh, yeah. You can put that ice into the cooler now." I say, taking his offer of some help.

We both turn as the front door opens up, the first guest has arrived.

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