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"Thanks Tony! We'll see around 1:30! Text me when you're here and we'll come out and meet ya! Have a good night!" I say to the bus driver as we all trek off the large machine. I've arrived to parties in many different ways, but never a coach bus. Well, I guess the hockey life changes you, eh?

I feel an immediate burst of hot and sticky air as I open the front door to the beautiful home, just after walking past a couple of drunks who are puking the brains out on the front lawn.

As me and the team walk in we are instantly welcomed with cheers, chants and some girls falling all over the guys behind me. I make sure I keep my eye on Connor.

Yes. This weekend is to see if we can live without each others presence but that doesn't mean I want him hooking up with some puck bunny. But then again, maybe I do. Maybe that will be the only way I know whether or not I can live without his soft lips connecting to mine.

Tonight was going to be a long ass night.
I needed a glass of water.

I motioned to Dyl that I was heading to the kitchen and he motioned he was gonna go find some girls. Maybe his shirt would end up coming in handy. I doubt it though.

The kitchen is actually empty, allowing a nice quiet atmosphere. I open the fridge hoping the host or hostess has bottled water. No luck so I begin to go through the countless big blue coolers on the kitchen floor, hidden behind the island table. I end up on my hands and knees digging through what feels like thousands of icy cold drinks when I hear two boys with low voices walk into the silent room. I decide to stay on all four and eavesdrop, because why not.

"Dude I'm telling you she is absolutely gorgeous! She's the hottest girl I have ever seen, and she's not some skinny twig bitch like all the girls here tonight. She doesn't wear crop tops and short-shorts everywhere she goes. And she's so kind and so funny, and such a fucking tease that I can't get enough." The first boy gushes to what I assume is his friend.

"Bro," the friend replies. "I thought you've only met this girl like twice or something. How can you know all this already? What if she's actually some type of slut or just another puck bunny? What are 'ya gonna do then? You're giving her way too much benefit of the doubt. You gotta chill a bit."

"Bro, you don't get it. She's perfect. I just hope she doesn't have anything going on with one of the otters cause she spends a hell of a lot of time with them."

"Well duh, bud. She's the coaches daughter. She's not gonna just stay at home and twiddle her thumbs....doofus."

My jaw flys open and I jump up at the realization. That's Mack. And he's talking about me.
And I hit a cooler with my big ass, and now they know I'm down here.

"Yo, who's there?" The friend's voice calls out, obviously pretty irritated someone was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Quick Kay! Think of something cute and funny and quirky to say! It needs to be good enough for you to get out of this damn awkward situation.

I stand up, flattening out my shirt. It's a flowy, off the shoulder crop top. Perfect.

"Sorry boys just me." I say as I smile at the two of them. I then grab my bottle of water and make my way towards the boys, and the exit of the kitchen.

I stop once I reach my destination.
"Sorry for the crop top by the way Mack." I turn and grin at him then strut my way out of the kitchen.

Man I just fucking killed that.

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