Chapter 15- Taken

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Foster Care. My worst nightmare coming to life. Who would want a child who was accused of murder?


I paced back and forth, attempting to clear my thoughts.

It rarely works.

When one problem finally disappears another one emerges. Life is so unfair. People get away with murder. As for me, I get accused for a crime I didn't commit.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Alex's number. I'm probably not supposed to use it here, but I don't care. If they didn't want me to use it, they should've confiscated it from me.

"Are you alright? What's going on? Are you in trouble? Why did they-"

"I'm fine... for now. Can you guys come pick me up?"

I waited for a response. I finally heard him speak.

"Be over in a few." I step out of the quiet room and into the hallway. I pretty much speed walked to avoid any questions. I finally arrived outside. Breathing in, I take a seat on a rotting tree stump.

I started singing to the stump, giving it a nickname: Stumpy.

I skimed through my text messages, while singing to the stump.

Suddenly, a chemical infested cloth tied around my mouth and a hand on my nose, forcing me to inhale the chemicals.

My eyes become heavy, my muscles start to relax and I float into unconsciousness.

I'm not completely out cold, just enough to not move. I hear my phone hit the pavement. My body is carried into, what I assume to be, a car.

Opening my eyes, I saw a man. I couldn't see the details of his face because my vision is blurry.

"I have her right here. She should be out cold for about a day maybe more," he paused for a while, then continues, "alright, I'll come pick you up, and then we will lock her up. Bye."

He hangs up the phone, throwing it in the empty passenger seat.

I closed my eyes, drifting into unconsciousness. The only difference is I'm entirely unconscious now.


I woke up on the floor, chained to a wall. At first, my vision was fuzzy, but now images have became clearer.

I wasn't in an abandoned shack like the movies. No, I was in dungeon. I know that sounds absurd, but a basement wouldn't have stone walls and chain cuffs against the wall.

The wooden door creaks open, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. A man walks towards me with handcuffs and a blindfold.

"Seriously," I complained, while he placed the blind fold over my eyes. He unlocked me from the wall and handcuffs my hands. "Is this even necessary?" He still didn't reply. All he did was lead me out of the room. The entire time I felt uneasy. I had no clue as of where I was headed. I constantly stepped on the man's toe, causing him to yank at my cuffs harder than before. He shoved me, unexpectedly, to the ground. He obviously finds it amusing to push 17 year old girls to the ground. Finally, he removed the blind fold from my face, giving me a clear view of my surroundings.

There were no windows, no furniture, other than a table and a chair. The only illumination in the entire room was a small light bulb.

The man freed my hands.

"You better not escape. If you do, there will be consequences."

The man left me behind in this disgusting, cheese hole. For what seemed like hours, I processed my surroundings. So far, I had no escape plan. I lay down on the cold, dirty ground.

What's that?

I saw a piece of paper taped to the bottom of the table. I removed the piece of paper from underneath the table. I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly stuffed the paper into my bra. It was the only safe place I could place it at the moment. The door swung open, revealing a very skinny, muscular woman. Behind her is a man, wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses.

I think it's stupid when people wear sunglasses indoors. It's almost pitch dark in here.

"Hello Sophia. My name is Nancy and I'm your mother."


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Til the next update!


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