Chapter 3- Company

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This chappy is dedicated to Lexy_21! AHHH, thanks for your support! When I saw that you added this story to your reading list, it made my day! Thank you! <3

For the first time in forever, I had fun! I was excited to meet Austin's mother, Michele. I heard so many good things about her on the ride to Austin's house. I've never meet my mother, but I bet she was sweet and kind like Michele.

What if she was mean like my dad? Abusive? I brushed those thoughts away.

"We're here," Austin proclaimed. Austin parked the car and we all walked in. His house was even BIGGER than Alex's. I didn't even know that was possible.

"Mom! We're home!" Austin's mom greeted us. Austin introduced his mom to me.

"Mom, this is Sophia. Sophia, this is my mom, Michele."

"Nice to meet you." Michele hugged me, I almost cried. I wanted a loving mom. I never hugged my mom. She never had the opportunity to hold me in her arms. Michele pulled back and patted me on the shoulder. "We have company, other than Sophia."

"Is your boyfriend here?" Alex asked.

"Yes he is! I can't wait for you to meet him, Sophia!" Michele pulled at Alex's arm upstairs.

"Hey, Austin. I forgot my phone in your car. Can you please unlock it for me?"

"It's already unlocked. Meet us in the kitchen," Austin grinned. I flashed him a smile and went outside to get my phone. Austin never talked about his mom's boyfriend.

Of course he hasn't Sophia! You only have known him for a day! Gosh, you pretend like you two are best friends.

I arrived at Austin's vehicle and grabbed my phone. I hate crutches. I can barely carry my phone!

When I walked closer to the kitchen, I couldn't believe my eyes. I limped down the hall and into the bathroom. I threw my crutches on to the bathroom floor.

Come to the bathroom. Emergency.

I sent the text message to Austin.

I heard a knock on the door and pulled Austin's arm into the cramped bathroom. Which was weird, since the rest of the house was gigantic.

"What's up? What's your 'emergency'," he laughed, but I gave him an icy glare. In a way, I hacked him.

"Austin, this is serious your mom's boyfriend is--" I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Just a minute," Austin yelled.

"Hurry Austin! Bryan needs to use the bathroom." I heard Michele leave the door.

"Bryan is my," I choked, struggling to get the words off of my tongue. I leaned in closer, so that I can whisper, " Bryan is my abusive father."

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