Chapter 2- Questions and Answers

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This chapter is dedicated to laraameezymahone. Thanks for reading, voting, and adding this story to your reading list! Bunches of thanks! <3

I slowly opened my eyes.

Oh great. I'm in the hospital.

I can't remember what happened. I was running away from my dad and that's all I remember.

Oh yeah! I was ran over by a boy and his friend, I thought

The boy and his friend walked into my room as soon as I remembered what happened.

"You two were the ones who ran over me," I chuckled

"Actually, it was him!"

"You were distracting me, Alex!"

"No need to fight. You didn't mean to run over me. What's your names?" I questioned.

I sat up from the hospital bed, awaiting for their answers.

"I'm Alex and his name is..." Alex points to the boy with the toboggan on his head. His brown curls poked out of his beany and his hazel orbs glared into my blue eyes. "Austin. He was the one that ran over you with his car!"

"I'm Sophia!"

"I'm sorry Sophia, but we have to go! If you need anything call us." Austin hands me my phone. "I put both of our contacts in your phone. Don't be afraid to call us."

I waved them goodbye as they both walked out of the room.

The doctor walked in, holding a clipboard. He told me that I was lucky to only have a broken leg and that I should be out of here in about a week.

"You have another visitor." The doctor pointed to the door.

"Who called him?" I yelled.

"I did. It's my job to tell a legal guardian, which in this case is your father," the doctor explained.

The doctor must not know what kind of danger he has put me in. My father would treat me worse than ever before.

"Can you give us a minute, Doc?" my dad asked, bitterly. The doctor walked out of the room, leaving only my dad and me. "Are you out of your mind?" my dad said while grabbing my arm.

"YOUR HURTING MY ARM!" I yelped. I was hoped the doctor could hear me, but nobody came to my rescue. It's like nobody ever heard my cry for help. Almost like nobody cares.

"I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up," my dad said.

"You can't do that! The doctor said that I need to stay in here for another week or so."

"I'm your dad and he can't stop me!"

My dad stormed out of the room.

What am I going to do? I'll text Austin and Alex!


I send it to Austin since I found his number before Alex's number.

My phone vibrated and it was Austin.

Be there in 5.

A bunch of questions came to my head while I was waiting for Austin. Like: How am I supposed to run away with a broken leg? How am I going to get checked out of this place?

Austin entered the hospital room, interrupted my thoughts.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"I will explain everything later, but right now I need to get out of here."

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