Chapter 75: Old Enemies Return

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"But haven't I?" I hiss, "I may have ignored the clear signs of abuse when Four was little but that doesn't mean I wasn't there for him. Despite Four and my hate for each other since youth that doesn't mean we didn't care for each other, that doesn't mean I hadn't been there for him when he needed it and him to me. We've acted like family at our worst and now that we're at our best you want to intervine, well you can't!" I snap and he stares at me in shock for a moment.
"I want you to know this Marcus," I sneer is name like poison on my tongue, "You've hurt this family for the last time."

Marcus lets out a cruel laugh, "And what are you, a little girl going to do to stop me?" he scoffs and I feel my hatred go for this demonic man who finds joy in his family's pain explode.
"I hold a high position in Chicago, I mean a representative's daughter must always tell the truth, and even if she's not it sure does help with gossip around election time," I allow an evil smile to crawl onto my face.
"What are you implying Beatrice?" he spits out and I can tell he knows where this is going.
"I'm implying that I can go straight to the newspaper and tell them the truth, all of it," I state and Marcus's face turns into one of pure horror.
"You wouldn't do that, it would hurt your father's reputation," he gasps as his eyes widen.

"As much as I love my father when it comes down to it I would chose Four's life over my father's job," I confirm not only to Marcus but to myself.
"I hope you know if you ever try to hurt anyone again, I will make sure that you won't be principal of this school nor head representative of this city but rather rotting away in a prison cell. You may have power now, but when the truth comes out, and it will, all of it will be stripped away from you so I would watch who you threaten," I sneer and without a chance for him to respond I storm off the field with adrenaline coursing through my entire body at the confrontation I just had.

As I walk and kick the stones beneath my feet I suddenly feel a hand wrap around my bicep making me jump slightly.
"What did he say to you?" he asks and I glance up at Amar.
"Nothing I couldn't handle," I smirk and Amar gives me a skeptical look.
"Let's just say our family is going be safe for a while."


"Guys homecoming is coming up in two weeks and Will's already asked me!" Christina cheers as we all lay in her basement doing pointless crap. Lynn, of course, is drawing some intricate design, Marlene is on her phone shopping, Shauna playing with a bouncy ball, and me, well I guess I'm just sitting upside down on a couch staring at the pipes and wondering how much crap is in them. I guess I'm the least productive of us all.

"Uriah asked me a week ago," Marlene responds with her eyes never leaving her phone.
"And why didn't we hear about this?" Shauna peaks up from the bouncy ball.
"Mostly because I was kind of embarrassed that my boyfriend planned on asking me with a cookie cake but ended up eating the whole thing then finally asked me in person with frosting all over his face?" Marlene concludes and we all nod in response.
"Did you say yes?" Christina quirks an eyebrow.
"Sadly I did but I was actually thinking otherwise for a moment, I mean I didn't even get a bite," she complains, "But then he went out and bought me ice cream... and ate half of it."

"See I got the better Pedrad boy," Shauna grins while bouncing the ball again.
"Is there really a good one?" I ask and I study the white pipe and it seems everyone stops to think for a moment.
"No, no there is not," Lynn concludes finally looking from her drawing of an angel and we all nod and shrug in agreement.

I feel my phone vibrate beneath me and lazily grab in from under my body to see a text from Four above the rest of my notifications.
We still on for tonight- 4
Yup give me ten minutes-T
"Adios guys I got a date with Four tonight," I smirk and they all 'ooh' flirtatiously.
"Maybe he'll ask you to the dance," Shauna hints and nudges me slightly. I roll my eyes but can't help the blush that crawls up my face, "Maybe," I murmur and am out the door before anyone else can make a comment.

The walk is short as usual but my peaceful stroll is short lived as I get the same sense of someone watching me. I've grown so accustomed to the feeling of being watched that it almost scares me how casual I feel about faking a call with Four so if indeed someone is going to kidnap me they'll think I have someone to tell.

My eyes rake my surroundings on the street when I stop mid-step and stare. It can't be him, he's in jail, he should be in jail. He took me once and I don't doubt he'll take me again. This time I do viscously whip out my phone to call Four as I see his fast approaching figure towards my body as I let out a whimper. I'm tempted to run but Peter was always one of the school's top runners which means he'd easily catch me.
"Tris?" Four's voice asks.
"8954 Main street hurry!" I scream into the phone before hanging up to face Peter.

Peter doesn't say anything as he stands parallel to me, he just stands and stares down at me, his hair sloppily pushed to the side which oddly enough reminds me he's only my age but still managed to be a deranged psychopath.
"What do you want?" I hiss, I've had enough homicidal men for one day I don't need another.
"What? I can't talk to my favorite stiff?" he teases and I growl at he name.
"It was you wasn't it?" I sneer, "You're the one that released the photo of Four and me?"

"Wow look who's Erudite as well!" Peter teases, "Look out here comes the Divergent! The one and only Tris Prior!" he exclaims and I feel bile rise in my throat out of the hatred I feel for him.
"What are you doing here, in the middle of a road following me?" I spit out.
"Well, what are you doing here? I mean you're in the middle of a road as well, you could've been the one following me."
"Stop circling your answer around Peter, the only time you do anything at all is when you want something, so what do you want so I can tell you to screw off sooner than later," I cross my arms and Peter's eyebrows shoot up in shock.

"Looks like the itty bitty stiff is all grown up and finally got a backbone," he teases and I finally snap and bring my hand flying through the air to slap him only to be stopped by his.
"What I would like Tris Prior is revenge for every damn minute I was in that jail cell, for every piece of shit I was forced to eat there, and work I was punished into doing," he growls lowly towering above me.
"Are you describing school cause I can assure you we've all been through that," I ask sarcastically only ticking him off more.
"You know nothing of what it's like, what it's like to be trapped in a place you can't escape..." he begins before I cut in.
"You kidnapped me I know exactly what it's like!" I scream in his face, "At least you knew you would get out of there alive!"

He seems almost taken back by my words before he finally chews at his lip, "I wasn't going to hurt you," he states but my mind flashes to the pain he caused me, not only mental but physical pain.
"You did hurt me Peter, and from what I know you also have a restraining order so if the police see you 50 feet within me then buckle up you're headed straight back to jail," I shake my head.
"I don't think you realize it, Peter, I have you backed into a corner, you can't hurt me you can't torment me there is nothing you can possibly do," I shake my head and a sickly twisted smile grows onto his face.

"You want to use the authorities against me eh?" he quirks his eyebrow as mine furrow in confusion as to why he's happy about this, "I hope you know two can play at that game, I'm sorry back in Sophomore year you tripped over our dead teacher leaving your DNA all over him to which the murderer has still not been found, it'd be a real shame if that case opened up again. Or if the news that Jason slept with a Mayor's wife and got  her pregnant got out, oh boy I don't think Jason would be very happy with you, in fact, I feel like he might send out all of those photos he has of you."

I feel myself pale as I quickly realize he could bring up a lot more incidents but before he can continue a black Lamborghini zooms into the street and the second I turn back around he's gone and I watch as the leaves move in the forest. He's gone and he has enough information to make my life an even bigger living hell than before.

Divergent High: Fire v IceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang