Chapter 19: Back To School

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"Remind me how this goes, Sam?" Dr. Meyers mutters as I stand at the front gates. I sigh, knowing I'd rather be reading my Bible in my tent.

"Alright, okay. First tell Justin Miles, Runner Eighteen, on the door to raise the gates."

"Raise the gates," She tells, although her voice is not nearly as enthusiastic as Sam's is, and surprisingly I don't feel as pumped about running either.

I'm just going to go with I'm not feeling it today and not think that Sam's enthusiasm has anything to do with it.

As the gates are opened, I find myself straining my ears in efforts to hear their words over the gunshots and the alarm of the gates being opened.

"Then ask if Runner Five is ready."

Wait, he's been asking me this whole time? I thought he was telling me I'd better get ready... huh. I nod slowly at the new realization.

"Runner Five, ready?" The doctor questions before mumbling, "What do I do if Runner Five isn't ready?"

Sam scoffs at the question, "Runner Five's already."

'Is that a compliment, Sam?' I don't whether he hears me over all the noise or not but he gives no reply.

"So, gates are open..."

"And then you say covering fire and-"

"Runner Five," She interrupts, "special mission for the hospital. Go!"

I race out the gates just like always, the noise behind me slowly coming to a stop as it all goes quiet; All except for my feet hitting the ground with its oh-so-familiar rhythm, that is.

I wonder how much longer I'll be here until Mullins decides they need me again.

I snort at the thought. Mullins doesn't need me, not now. Sure, they did pay a pretty penny-Or really, a pretty paper to have me but that's because I was so young and they were hoping they could make me one of the people that do their dirty work. In a way I guess they did, sending me here for this mission, but I don't even know who in Mullins is in charge of this mission anyway.

I don't know anything about this mission.

It takes me a good ten seconds to realize there's music playing in my ears, but seeing as it's 'Five Hundred Miles' which I've heard five hundred times I opt to ignore it and go back to my thoughts.

It's not like I want to go back to Mullins. There was only two people I talked to there and they're gone-just like everyone else I cared about. I do like staying here in Abel, more than I probably should, really; But I want to know what I'm supposed to be doing here. I want-

I feel myself lurch forward as my foot slams against something hard. I hit the ground with a thud and a hiss of pain, both from the fall and from the fact that I stubbed all of my toes. I quickly reach back and grab my axe, rolling over on my back and preparing myself to swing if it may be a zom, but it's not. And luckily for me there is no zombies nearby to be attracted by the amount of noise I just made.

With a sigh of relief I push myself into a sitting position, determined to take a look at whatever brought me to the ground face first.

It's... a box. A metal one, rusted so badly I can't even guess what color it might've been. It's also dented, horribly-as if it had been run over by a car and then hit with a hammer several times. The latch is broken, but still attached meaning no matter how hard I pull or tug it won't open, much to my frustration.

"Runner Five, are you alright?" Dr. Meyers asks. "You've been still on the scanners for about five minutes."

'I'm fine. I just tripped and fell.'

To Be A RunnerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin