Chapter 24: Patient 29

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Eternal life. Freaking eternal life! Of all the things that scientists could try to mess with, it had to be the lifespan of a human person. I understand you don't know until you try, but some things just weren't meant for us to mess with. Why do you think we can only travel so far into the ocean, or only survive so long in space? Because there are some things we can't understand and are not supposed to-not in this life anyway.

"Uh, Five?"

I look up from my sleeping bag, and staring blankly at Summer as she gives me a raised brow in confusion.

"I've called your name like three times and you didn't answer."

'Sorry,' I shrug. 'I was just... listening to the rain.'

She turns to look out of my tent opening, watching the flap open a sliver to reveal the raindrops that are beating down on the dirt. I grimace as puddles are already starting to form and I pray that the rain doesn't seep through the tent and ruin what few possessions I have. I sit up quickly and grab my Bible, shoving it deep inside my sleeping bag for precautionary measures.

"Did you listen to the rain before?" She asks, and I stare blankly and tip my head in question as if to say, 'Before what?'

Summer sighs. "You know, before the fall of civilization. Is that something you... did?"

I shake my head in reply. 'No, usually when it was raining I'd read, or sleep. Usually sleep.'

In all honesty I dislike the rain. Really what's to like about it? It's cold and wet. It does have its usefulness, especially now since we can't rely on running water very much. The irrigation system here at Abel does just enough to give us clean water to shower in and do the laundry. Rain water helps with the plants and what we use to drink, but still it isn't exactly something I like.

'I hope it stop soon though,' I say. 'I have a run tomorrow and I really don't want to ruin my only good pair of running shoes.'

"Maybe you'll find a pair when you're out on your secret mission," Summer jokes. "You're good at finding things. I bet Waldo never stood a chance around you."

'Why do you think my mission is secret?'

"Because your last two have been," She deadpans, and I shake my head.

'They have not. They were med runs.' The lie is smooth and clean, but Summer doesn't look convinced.

"I'm not an idiot, Five. I know when a secret's being kept, but if it has something to do with the doctor then I know it's nothing that could put the Township in danger." She shrugs as I stare with a neutral face, my only movement being me blinking every so often.

'I wouldn't put Abel in danger, not while I'm living here. That's... moronic.' My brows furrow together when she hums softly in reply.

"Yes, very." She looks at me with her head cocked to the side like a puppy. "But whatever these missions are about, they seem to be bothering you."

I raise my hands to deny it, but she cuts me off.

"Once again, I'm not an idiot. You're good at hiding your emotions, but I've learned how to read people. My sister was good at keeping a straight face so I learned pretty quickly." There's a short pause as she stares at me curiously. "Did you have any siblings?"

I blink. 'No.'


'Not anymore.'

"I know what you mean," Summer says with a bitter laugh. "Brooklynn would have been turning fourteen next year in February. And Canyon would have turned seven last month."

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