Chapter 17: Tess

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'So you can draw,' I sign, tipping my head towards Milo and then Willis, 'and you can write.'

I glance at the short story in the older boy's hand. Just like his brother, Willis' creation has detail beyond what I would believe for a pre-teen. If he continues he could become a good author for the people in Abel. There's little entertainment here-material wise. I make it a mental note to ask Sam if there's any supply runs scheduled for books or toys or games.

'So,' I look towards Penelope who's walking a step behind me, 'what's your talent?'

"She believes she's Cupid," Willis answers before the dark haired child can. "If she thinks you should be with someone, she'll do anything to try and make it happen."

Milo snorts. "Like the time she tried to set up the mailman with out neighbor."

"Hey," She whines. She bunches up her stained dress in her hands and keeps her eyes on the ground. My eyes soften in sympathy as I tap her shoulder, gaining her attention.

'I know someone like that.'

"Know? Like present tense?" Milo quirks up a brow, a slight fraction of curiosity shining in his eyes. "Who?"

Well, crap. This took a turn.

'That... doesn't matter. All I know is don't make Penelope feel bad. I'm just trying fine with it,' I send her a look, 'as long as you doesn't try to pair me up, got it?'

She nods slowly, although there's a certain look in her eyes that make me narrow mine suspiciously.

I hear the sound of the gates being opened, but without the alarm I'm so used to. My brows furrow in confusion at the girl that runs through the gates, her head down with eyes not wanting to be seen and a stained gray hoodie that helps with her goal.

Something is not right.

I close my eyes, squeezing my eyes shut for a slow second before opening them. When I do, the gates are closed and everything looks as it should be.

I'm probably overreacting.

"Uh, Runner Five?" Willis sends me a raised brow and curious eyes. "Are you okay?"

I quickly nod, again telling myself I'm simply being paranoid. 'Yes, just got distracted.'

"Yeah, that was kind of weird... Five, wanna see this other picture I drew?" Milo asks as we continue walking, the moment from before and its questions leaving my head as quickly as they came.

A deafening high pitched noise comes through the intercom, and the three children standing near me wince, Penelope even covering her ears.

"Calling Runner Five, or Runner Eight, or both," Janine's voice, urgent and serious, screeches through said intercom. "Runner Five and Runner Eight report to the gate."

"Oh, come on," Willis exclaims, throwing his hands up dramatically. "This always happens when you're hanging out with us. Why doesn't this ever happen when you're hanging out with Sam or Caleb?"

I give a shrug and an apologetic look in reply before turning and running towards my tent, making a grab for my backpack as well as my headphones. The second I put them both on I hear Janine start speaking once more.

"Runner Five and Runner Eight, urgent assignment."


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