Chapter 5: Lay Of The Land

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"Raise the gates! Runner Five, ready... and go!"

I sprint outside the gates as the loud beeping noise I've still yet to have gotten used to slows down to a stop.

"Thanks, Sam. I'll take it from here," Says the man running beside me. Runner Seven-I've met him once before, when I first arrived in Abel just a few days ago, but I haven't talked to him since. He believes he should show me around the base first before I venture off into No Man's Land, and seeing how I still am new to Abel I can't really refuse.

"No problem, Evan," Sam replies through the headset. "I'll keep the coms link operational in case of trouble." There's a slight pause before he continues, addressing me this time.
"Runner Five, Seven here is our Head of Runners."

"That's an unofficial title, Sam," Evan interjects, his lips pressing into a thin line.

"Oh, unofficially," He says, correcting himself, and I shake my head slightly and give a barely noticeable smile.

"That's what I get for surviving longer than most of the others," Evan states with a light chuckle. "I'll be taking you on a quick tour around the perimeter of the base today, and show you the main routes to the city. Should be a quick, easy run."

I nod at his explanation before hearing Sam speak up. "You know what happens when you say that."

Evan shrugs in reply, although I'm not sure there's any cameras around for Sam to see it.

"Whatever happens we'll handle it. We always handle it."

His confident tone would be reassuring, but I've learned never to be too confident while out on a run. It could easily cost you your life, but Evan doesn't look like the type to be cocky, and seeing how he's lived long enough to become the unofficial 'Head of Runners' gives me a small bit of assurance. I know Abel isn't like Mullins, but even I know to get a position that lets you tell others what to do is a big responsibility and I doubt it would be given to just anyone.

The more I study Runner Seven, the more I can see why he's Head of Runners. He's just got that leader look to him. He's a lot taller than I am-a foot more at least-which makes it hard for me to keep up with his pace. He runs with a purpose too; It's written all on his face. The look-stony eyes filled with determination and pursed lips with his nose slightly crinkled-makes him less handsome than I'd think he'd be if he was smiling, but seeing how these past few days are the most I've smiled in years, I don't have much room to talk.

I study his face for a few moments, seeing his dark hair and tan skin that's been out in the sun many more times than mine has, and with a nod I determine that he most definitely does look like a leader.

I look at the scenery around me as we keep running. I try my hardest to memorize the things around me, since I need to memorize this place before I go out into any unknown territory. That definitely wouldn't be smart. It's also a force of having to learn as much about your surroundings as quickly as possible, so you'll know where to hide or find shelter if needed.

"We're sad to lose the old Runner Five, but that's the reality of life on the ground," Evan speaks up, startling me a bit, although he doesn't seem to notice as he continues on. "We've spoke to Mullins-the base you came from-and they're not willing to send a helo until we know who fired that rocket launcher at you."

I groan internally and resist the urge to roll my eyes.

Great. Just what I needed to hear.... Guess I won't have to worry about the people of Abel half-assing sign language. I don't even try to correct my cursing mind this time.

"So, this is your new home," He says, interrupting my thoughts. "You're the new Runner Five. Congratulations."

Well, he sure sounds enthusiastic.

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