Blood Bath

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"We have to put her under!" A prison nurse screamed rushing behind the stretcher.

"How many fingers am I putting up?" A male nurse asked. Sky's gaze looked over at the worried faces of the inmates beside her.

"She is non-responsive." A nurse lightly slapped the side of Sky's face.

"We've gotta hurry!" Blurred voices from behind Sky panicked.

Sky was rushed down the isles of the prison hospital. Lights were consistently being shoved into Sky's eyes. She couldn't notice, all she could focus on was the buzzing sound coming from her ears.

They placed her into a private hospital bed, locked handcuffs around her wrist, then closed the door behind them as they prepped for surgery.

"How the fuck did it happen?" T-Bag slammed Fish against the concrete wall.

"Dude calm down!" C-Note swept into the scene prying T-Bag off of Michael.

"How?!" T-Bag freaked.

"It's apart of the plan." Michael brushed himself off.

"You could've killed her!"

"Shut up," Sucre walked into the room. "She knew what she was getting herself into...right fish?"

"Did she?" T-Bag leaned against the wall calming himself down.

"She'll be fine." Michael walked away.

Nurses huddled around the doctor, who's bloody hands lingered around Skylar's abdomen. Nurses handed slapped to the doctor diligently in silence for over an hour. Skylar didn't even remember them putting her under she had already lost enough blood to feel death.

"It's been too long." T-Bag dropped his fork onto his tray. "She should be here by now."

"She will be, soon." Michael mumbled.

"Why couldn't it be him?!" T-Bag pointed over at Sucre.

"She's the only one who could."

The nurses rushed over more packets of blood and connected it to Sky's ivy. Blood flowed back through her veins. The doctor placed the last scalpel back onto a tray another nurse was holding. He slipped off his gloves and removed his mask.

"Any word?" Sucre leaned into Michael's cell. He nodded silently. Sucre checked around him before entering.

"It worked." Michael washed his hands. "animal got framed like I planned."

"Good, I meant Sky."

"She's going to be fine, she should be out of surgery right about now."

Skylar awoke in the cold bed pan. He right hand was cuffed to the side of the bed. She slowly sat up, blood quickly rushed to her head causing her dizziness. The door next to her opened, startling her.

"You've got a visitor Anders." The nurse walked out. Michael and Linc were guided in. Sky frowned.

"You get it?" Michael whispered under his breath.

"Oh how are you Skylar? I'm great thanks for asking." Sky mocked as she stealthily handed Michael a key.

"See you tomorrow." Linc waved.

"Thanks for the condolences! Give me a heads up next time!" Sky screamed as the door shut behind them.

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