The Keys

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Sky woke up to the cell gates opening. She stood up for the daily roll call and then crawled back into bed. Michael unfortunately woke her up again to brief her on their plan and then left her to talk to Sucre. Sky decided to stay awake, so she walked over to the sink and washed her face for a freshen up. Ever since she was sent there, she did all she could to avoid the showers. There was no way she was going to strip in front of hundreds of guys. Michael had always offered to cover her, but she told him not to worry about it.

At breakfast Sky sat next to Scofield again, but neither of them said a word to each other. She knew what her duty was, and that was to talk to a guard named Bellick for a bit. A bit meaning taking his keys and walking away. From across the room Sky glanced over at T-Bag who was already staring back at her. He winked at her from afar which in a way made her blush a little. Even though their conversation the day before was only about business in her sense, Sky kind of enjoyed it. The way he talked and watched her fascinated her in a strange way.

When it became time to leave Michael took their trays and Skylar walked alone to the door. She stood with her arms crossed, getting ready for the next few minuets of either being sent to the pit or being free.

"I saw you watchin' me." T-Bag smirked standing up next to Sky.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you were watching me."

"Oh, really?" T-Bag walked through the open door. He looked back at Sky. "Admit it Anders." Theodore walked away to his cell. Sky smiled to herself.

As Sky walked around she finally saw Bellick watching from up above on the stairs, Michael tapped her shoulder giving her the cue. She rolled her eyes and quickly stepped up the stairs and leaned back against the railing next to Bellick.

"What you doin'?" Bellick didn't look at her.

"I was wondering about my placement? Am I being transferred yet?" Sky switched positions and leaned her chest against the railing.

"I don't know Viper, not my job." He looked down checking her out.

"Oh, but I think you do know." Sky stood up in front of him. "Where's my lawyer?"

"You don't have one." He chuckled.

"You know I shouldn't be here." She traced her hand down his chest. "Everyone knows what's gonna happen to me." She pouted.

"Get your hands off of me Anders."

"Yet you're not forcing me to." She giggled still tracing his chest. She wanted to throw up.

T-Bag eyed Sky and Bellick from the distance. He knew Michael was up to something because Viper would never put herself out to that slob at her own choice. He watched her as she tried placing her hand near his keys. Theodore didn't see this going out well. Though he loved seeing people get caught, especially Fish, he felt something different about Sky. He couldn't leave her. He knew what he should do.

"Well hey there." Theodore cut into their conversation. Sky glared at him.

"Get out of here inbred." Bellick grunted.

"I couldn't help to see," T-Bag paused and looked over at Sky. She flashed him the crazy eyes. "Know what? Never mind." Theodore stepped away from Bellick and took Sky's arm. "I'd hate for certain people to know that you were prying other inmates." He whispered into Bellick's ear then dragged Sky away into his cell. She tried resisting but his grasp was too tight around her wrist.

"What the actual fuck?!" Sky freaked out. "Do you know what you just-"

"Need these?" T-Bag dangled  Bellick' keys in front of her.

"How did you get those?" Sky reached for the keys, but Theodore moved his hand away.

"What's Scofield up to?"

"What do you mean?"

"You wouldn't have gotten all cozy with Bellick up there unless Michael told you to. I know him to, what's he planning?" T-Bag stepped closer to her.

"I honestly don't know." Sky crossed her arms.

"That's a lie."

"I'm not lying!"

"Tell me!" Theodore grabbed the collar of her shirt and lifted her face even closer to his. "Don't make this ugly Anders."

"You won't." She mumbled. "Has anyone told you how expressive your eyes are."


"You watching me in the cafeteria, are the height of my days here." Sky took the keys gently from his grasp. "Thank you." Theodore released her shirt collar.

"Wait." Theodore grabbed her arm and whipped her back to him. He forcefully  grabbed her head and leaned her lips closer to his. She gave into him and let him kiss her.

"See you around Bagwell." Sky blushed walking away. T-Bag leaned up against the wall and looked up toward the ceiling.


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