Wolves V. Sheep

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Sky walked from the visiting area back to the yard. The guard un-cuffed her and pushed her in. For the past couple of days Walker would come in for visitations. Sky could feel how much he missed her. Yet, something was holding her back.

At the gates T-Bag waited and followed her every move into the yard. After the guard Locke duo the gate he strolled over to her side away from the guys.

"Well how's the little fiancé of yours?" T-Bag playfully joked. He could tell how annoyed Sky felt being around Walker lately.

"Shut up," she snapped. "I can't get him off my back."

"Don't," Michael cut in between them. "We need him." T-Bag rolled his eyes at Fish's presence. There was some I talked about feelings between them and Sky. Like a competition.

"Yeah, I know." Sky backed away from them. "I don't know what it is though, something doesn't feel right."

"She's not wrong Fish." C-Note added.

"At least there's one rational person here." Sky mumbled under her breath.

"Why would her ex-fiancé, especially a lawyer, willingly help break us out?" C-Note contemplated.

"Boy, there's this thing called love that makes men do stupid things." T-Bag wrapped his arm around C-Note.

"He never loved me though." Sky paced around them. "He lived my money. Something isn't right."

"Who cares why?" Sucre walked in. "We've got the money, that's all that matters."

One of the guards blew their whistle as a sign times up. All the inmates huddled back over at the gate to get locked up. Back at the barracks. Sky kept pondering Walker's motives. This was certainly out of his character. He didn't want anything to do with Skylar's business before. Why was he so willing to supply her with money?

"Hello there, sweet cheeks." A random guy entered Sky's cell. She quickly searched to see if Michael were around.

"I'm sorry, Fish isn't here right now." Sky looked back down at her notepad.

"I'm not here for him." The man walked deeper into the cell. Sky defensively stood up.

"Then why are you?" She crossed her arms. "I don't have any business with you."

"Oh but you will soon." The man plate with her long blonde tresses. She slapped his hand away. "Now you be nice or-"

"Do we've got a problem ladies?" T-Bag casually entered the cell.

"Mind your own business T-Bag." The man snarled then looked back at Sky.

"Kind of, you see this little lady is my territory." T-Bag grabbed the man's collar. "Back off."

"Fuck off." The man easily pushed Theodore across the cell. "Now where were we?"

The man tried grasping onto Sky's waist. But she unexpectedly threw a punch straight into his Adam's apple. He gagged and wrapped his hands around his throat. As he straightened up Sky went for another punch but he grabbed onto her wrist. He tightened his grip around her hand, dragging her down. But sky kneed him into his groin, then punched him in the face. As he slowly gained composure, Sky wrapped her arm around his neck and held him in a head lock.

"Don't ever try fucking with me again." Sky hastily whispered into the man's right ear. "Or next time you won't even be able to piss the right way."

During this whole time T-Bag had just gotten up from the ground and dusted himself off. He rubbed the blood off his lip and watched Sky.

"I don't want to fucking see your face again, you hear me?" Sky released him. The man quickly stumbled out of the cell, shoving T-Bag to the side.

"Well I've never seen that Sky before." T-Bag laughed "that was-"

"There was a reason I was being transferred from my old penitentiary." Sky washed off her hands.

"What did you do, start a fight club?" He chuckled.

"You can say that," Sky turned back around to face him. "Thank you though, but I can handle my own." Sky crossed her arms.

"I can tell." He took a step closer to her. "I like you Anders."

Sky leaned in close to his face. He smiled and peered down at her trembling lips.

"See you around Bagwell." She tapped the side of his left cheek and walked out to find Michael. "Oh and by the way, I'm nobody's territory!"


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