Fox River

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"You've got to be kidding me." Skylar rolled her eyes as the guard pushed in three the steal doors of the prison.

The guards practically dragged her across the chilled concrete floor. Her resistance didn't help her. They ended up mutually deciding to lift her up. It's not like she was that tall of of a girl. Only 5'4 and as lean as a green bean. She was of a strategic creature. She had more skill than anything.

"This illegal!" Sky shouted.

"Shut up," one of the guards said as they used their cars to open another door.

"I'm a female, obviously."

"This was where you were assigned." Said the other guard.

"Have fun," the other one said as they threw her into the middle room. Where the other guards grabbed her.

They undid her cuffs and escorted Sky up the stairs to her cell. As she passed the others, every man stopped what they were doing and moved to get a better look at her. She looked like another attractive blonde girl you'd see crossing the streets of Malibu, but not Fox River.

"Here we are." The guard said as he stood in front of the cell. "Enjoy your time." He chuckled handing her things and walking away.

"You can't do this to me, I'll get my lawyer!" She screamed.

"What lawyer? Welcome to Fox River sweet heart." The guard laughed.

Skylar groaned under her breath and entered the damp room. A man, her cell mate, sat up from his bunk and tilted his head. She rolled her eyes again.

"Don't be getting any ideas, I may be small but don't underestimate me." She pouted. The man didn't answer. He jumped down from his bed and landed right in front of her.

"Michael, Michael Scofield." He let out his hand.

"They call me viper." She shook his hand.


"Well I guess that's what you get for trying to poison a man with scorpion venom." She smirked sarcastically and throwing her things in the bed. "I'm kidding..."

"I guessed," he laughed to himself.

"It was snake venom." She said plainly.

"Oh," Michael walked over to the sink mirror.

"I already knew who you were honestly." She sat on the bed. "I saw the whole prison break thing."

"Yeah," he walked back over. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but you're a female right?"

"I certainly hope so." Sky felt slightly offended. "I don't know what to do here. They said they were taking me to a new prison over in Michigan, then I was brought here."

"You'll be fine." He smirked as he crouched down in front on her. "You're the daughter of George Anders, right?"

"Wait, how did you-"

"Doesn't matter, but I'm glad you're here." Michael stood up. "Corporate crime is no joke now a days. Especially if it's your father's company."

"He's a bastard alright, I'm gonna go downstairs." Sky stood up and brushed herself off.

"I'll go with you."

"I'll be fine."

"Scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. A girl like you won't be safe being alone at anytime around here." He slipped on his blue coat.

Michael escorted Sky down the stairs. She was shocked how she already had a connection from the inside, but she knew it wouldn't be for free. She also knew it had to do with something from the outside. Michael wanted other things than pleasure, needed money.

As she took her first step onto the concrete, silence broke out among the convicts. It was so quiet she could hear her own heart beat. None of them immediately approached her, except a shorter man with the most spine tingling smile she'd ever seen.

"Scofield!" The man said as he walked over. He had a voice similar to a southern accent. "It's rude of you for not introducing me to this...scrumptious woman." He stared into her eyes as he bit his lower lip. Sky's left eyes twitched at his voice.

"Back off T-Bag." Michael said sternly.

"No need to get hasty fish." T-Bag chuckled. "What about it?" He looked back over at her.

"What?" Sky hadn't been paying attention.

"Your name sugar."

"Skylar Anders." She scoffed.

"Hm, I've heard of you." T-Bag came closer to her. "Embezzled daddy's money and then tried to kill him. Failed miserably."

"That's just what they caught me for hot shot." She pushed him away. Michael and Skylar walked away to his group.

"Don't get too comfortable sweat heart!" T-bag shouted hauntingly to them. Sky knew he was trouble since she first saw him. Yet that whole night she couldn't stop thinking about him.


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