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This is the end friends!!:) The journey was long and hard! What happens with Liam and Ellie huh?! Let's find out! I'll try and fix the errors ASAP! Enjoy!:))



Ellie's POV

Three years later....

"Mommy! Mommy!"
Lisa said as she stumbled in my room.
"What's up baby girl?"
"I had a dream about a man called Liam! He said he was my dad!"
I smiled and walked out of bed looking at the clock it was four in the morning,
"Baby girl... Remember what I told you? Liam is your daddy Lisa and later today we're gonna go see him okay now go back to bed."
I said as I tucked her in slowly and sang a soft melody for her until she fell asleep.
I smiled at her hugging her teddy bear and her breathing was constant.
"Did she go to sleep Sweetcheeks?"
I turned around and saw Eric standing there with his blue striped Calvin Klein boxers on with his clear and very distinct eight pack showing and his pecks standing out.
"Done checking me out babe?"
I rattling my head from side to side and nodded my head apprehensively.
Eric just chuckled quietly and walked over to me picking me up bridal style and walking us over to our bed that was on the third floor. It was a long three years journey for the both of us. It honestly took me forever to have Shelly forgive me and I apologized for everything that I caused her. Eric has honestly been the second best thing that happened to me and sometimes I get the feeling that we were meant to be... Sometimes I feel as if we were actually soul mates... Once he sat us on the bed we cuddled and Eric said,
"What are you thinking about Sweetcheeks?"
I shook my head and leaned onto his chest saying,
"Just about you."
I could sense his face coming to a smile and his chest rose up and I knew he was going to speak. My body was just able to detect it for some oddly reason. It was never like this with Liam.
"Is it good or bad?"
I quavered on top of him and pulled the sky blue linen bed sheets up on top of us and snuggled into him saying,
"I don't know? Maybe it's both."
"Go to sleep Sweetcheeks."
And sleep I did. Quite peacefully for that matter.
"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! You've gotta make us chocolate pancakes!"
I slowly stretched in the bed and nodded my head walking out of bed. I looked at Eric all sprawled out on the bed slightly snoring. I chuckled and pulled out my phone to take a quick picture.


I smiled like I won the war or something and made it my home screen picture for my Samsung galaxy. He's so gonna get it for taking a picture of me naked in the shower! Yes! NAKED! I chuckled evilly as I headed down to the first floor of the kitchen starting breakfast. Right after I finished making the bacon Eric came trudging down the stairs and kissed both Tidus and Lisa in the too of their heads. As he stationed himself at the head of the table. I pulled out the glass plates and cups, metal spoons, and forks for us on the counter while Tidus and Lisa quietly and effortlessly set the table. They always loved setting up the table in different patterns and ways. Placing the chocolate chip pancakes in between Lisa and Tidus while I put the blueberry pancakes in between me and Eric. The the banana nut muffins, bacon, eggs, and hash browns in the center of the table. Eric like always pulled my chair in for me as I sat down and we said a prayer of thanks for the food, commented on Tidus and Lisa's flawless efforts on the table, and ate talking about our dreams.
Tidus said.
"Yes dear."
"I had a dream about Liam... Our real dad."
I slowly nodded my head and said,
"You did baby? What did he say?"
Tidus walked over to me and kissed my lips then hugged me tightly saying,
"Congrats on the new edition to the family and I will always love you and watch over you."
I smiled as tears welled into my eyes. I couldn't stop them from falling as Eric rubbed soothing circles on my back. I let the tears fall freely from my face.
Tidus hugged me again and walked back to his seat.
"Mommy! I had a dream about daddy too!"
I sucked in a breath and wiped my face saying,
"Really baby girl? What did dada say to you?"
Lisa walked up to me and kissed my belly saying,
"You're going to be a great baby."
I smiled at her and she walked up to Eric saying,
"Daddy said hurt mommy and he's coming from heaven to beat you up mister!"
I couldn't help, but laugh at such a serious face she had on. I could almost picture him telling her that in his dream. Eric guffawed and said,
"Don't worry baby girl I'm going to take good care of mommy always and forever Liam can just rest in peace."
You could see the pout that Tidus had on his face as his sister Lisa took all the attention.
Tidus said enthusiastically.
"Yes baby boy."
I said calmly.
"Daddy told me that he loved me and that I'm going to be a great man one day and that I have to be a good role model for my younger brothers and sisters and that I have to treat all women and girls with respect and that he's proud of me."
I smiled at him with amazement, joy, happiness, and pride because he was so small, but could understand so much for his age.
"Of course he'd be proud of you. I'm proud of you Tidus."
I could see Lisa's face begin to scrunch up and she said,
"Well daddy told me that! I'm going to have to be as great as momma and that he will always love me and that I can't get married to no boys until I'm old and wrinkly like Great Gran Gran! But then I told Dada that momma had me when she was twenty five and she got married when she was almost twenty five years old so it couldn't be fair! Then he told me that I can't have a boyfriend because if I did he'd come down from heaven with a shotgun and shoot his head off!"
At the end she became very serious and through that face I could see Liam's serious face shine through her. It took all my strength not to crack up and laugh.
"Well baby girl."
Eric said softly,
"I'd have to agree with Dada Liam because he's not the only one that'll have a shotgun. I'll havering teach that boy a lesson if he thinks that he could ever take you on a date!"
Lisa made a face at him. The one that I always do and huffed. While Tidus just nodded and said,
"Yah sis... I'm not letting anyone hurt you!"
I smiled at Tidus' protectiveness. It reminded me of Liam.
Eric turned towards me and grabbed my hands ethereally saying,
"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"
I shrugged my shoulders saying,
"I wasn't sure when to tell you... But I promise it would've been soon..."
I smiled and Eric hugged me saying,
"I'm going to be a dad! I'm going to be a dad!"
"Yes I'm going to be a big brother!"
"Hey you're already a big brother!"
"Only by like two minutes!"
"Still it's the same thing Tidus! I'm going to be a big sister! I hope it's a girl!"
"No Lisa it's going to be a BOY!"
"Now, now you two don't fight."
I said crossing my arms across my chest and they both sat down with their heads down.
"Come on... Don't be sad we're gonna visit daddy's grave today come on finish eating and get ready and dress!"
With that they were happy again and up and ready to get ready.
Eric and I cleaned up the kitchen I thought about Lisa and Tidus. They grew up so much in three years. Tidus looked exactly like me. He had the same eyes, hair, lips, nose, ears, and even face structure, but had Liam's personality and characteristics. I don't know how when Liam was never here, but he had them. Liam was always overprotective, smart, caring, loving, loyal, and everything that Liam was, but just looked like me. While Lisa, Lisa was the exact replica of her father. From her hair, face structure, to her little chin and ears, but she acted just like me. She had the shy and timid personality when you first meet her. Then afterwords she gets comfortable with you and gets loud and happy.
Eric hummed in my ear as I was bending over to sweep up the trash and dirt that was on the floor.
"What pervert."
I said as I swept up the trash and dusted it into the garbage and put the broom away.
"One round before we go..."
I turned around and said,
"We'll then you've gotta catch me first!"
And I ran up the stairs to get ready as Eric chased me all the way to the third floor.
"Get in the car! Are you guys buckled and seated!"
Eric said as I walked into the car and at down he peck my cheek and said,
"Looking beautiful as always."
I smiled and the kids ewwed. I swear they're only three, but they know so much for three year olds! I know that they got their brains from me! No I'm just kidding they got it from both me and Liam.
"We buckled and ready to see daddy, daddy!"
Eric laughed and we headed out of our little suburban neighborhood in California to the cemetery.
"Ellie! I'm so happy you made it!"
Jenny said as we walked out of the car and walked slowly to Liam's grave.
"We wouldn't miss it for the world mom! I missed you, Pete, and Gran Gran! The kids missed you guys too!"
My little munchkins said as they ran full speed towards them.
"Hey little ones we missed you too!"
Pete said.
"We talked to daddy Liam last night and he told us mommy's having another baby!"
Tidus said.
Pete, Jenny, and Gran Gran walked over to me and and hugged me congratulating me on my new edition. I smiled and thanked them while Eric beamed proudly behind me hugging me from behind as he rested his head in my shoulder. Honestly last night Liam talked to me too... He told me he loved me and that he wouldn't come anymore because I already moved on and well... I need to finish moving on. Liam told me that he'll always remember the day when I told him I loved him and the day that we got married, the day he officially made love to me, all the teasing I did with him, even all those little details I'd tell him about myself and he'd remember as if it was something important. I thanked him for everything in my life and him being a big part of it because I loved Liam and if I didn't meet him my life would of never turned around like it did. I was always the quiet, shy, timid person in the background. If I didn't go to that party that night with Rain and Cassia. I would've never got this life that I have. Maybe I would've, but it wouldn't be as much of a happy ending as it is right now. My life turned around for the best and I'm happy with everything in it.
"Ellie turn around."
I heard Liam say as the wind softly hit my hair moving it behind me so the wind could tickle my ear lightly.
"Turn around?"
I mumbled and slowly turned around.
I saw Eric there smiling at me.
"You don't have to hold back anymore Ellie."
Liam said again as the wind softly whispered against my ear.
I cried and nodded my head.
"Thank you Lee..."
I said and the wind stopped and that's when I knew Liam was officially gone and he wasn't going to come back anymore he'd go back to heaven and stay with the angels. Eric looked at me like I was his world and that I was the only thing that he could see in the whole entire world and that's when I knew right there I didn't need to wait anymore. It took me three years. Three long years to finally say these three words.
"Eric I'm sorry it took my three long years to realize this, but... I love you. And I'm having twins. One boy and one girl."


I'm officially DONE with my story Turn Around? No sequel! Sorry! I don't do sequels! TWIST ENDING RIGHT?! Bet you guys didn't see that coming huh!? So thoughts, comments, views? How'd you all feel loves?! I hope you guys enjoyed it!:))


P.S. Wait/check out for my new story called Destiny!:)) It's already up so please check it out friends!:)) I'm excited for this one!

Wanna know how Eric and Ellie got together?! The bonus chapter will be up soon as well!!:))

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