Chapter Three

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Hey Friends!:)) I'm back! Enjoy!!:))))


Ellie's POV

My body felt like it was floating. I was on soft bed sheets while the bed conformed to my body. The blanket felt like a thousand soft feathers put together. I released a little moan and began stretching in the bed. Until I realized something cold on my head and raised my hand to feel it and it was a piece of cloth. Removing the cloth from my head I sat up from the bed and realized. This isn't my room! Looking around I was not in the clothes that I wore from last night. What happened to me last night? I said to myself. Shaking my head and falling back into the bed's warm embrace and I recalled blacking out while talking to Liam. Sitting up right this time placing my back on the black wooden board I started observing the room it was quite simple, but huge! The white door was on the left of me and the bed was all the on the left side of the room; the sheets were dark blue and the bed frame was black, on the right there was another door leading to the bathroom I guessed, then next to the bed on each side was a black wooden dresser that held a lamp, and to the other side of the bed was another door leading somewhere, then there was a little study area and a couple couches in the middle of the room. I smiled and got out of the bed gracefully this time. I know I should have been scared, but honesty I was not. I walked into the bathroom and saw a toothbrush that was unopened on the sink. Grabbing it happily I brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower. The shower was huge! The tiles were a beautiful sky color blue and the glass door was opened. So I took off the big T-shirt and my underwear and took a nice long shower. Honesty Ellie what's wrong with you? You could of been kidnapped! You're seriously taking a shower in a strangers home!? My mind screamed. I just shrugged because I felt like I knew who it was already and I trusted myself that it was him and how he wouldn't do a thing to me. Getting out if the shower I pulled a bath robed out of the rack and walked out the bathroom and into the door that was on the left of the bed and found out it was a huge, I mean huge walk in closet. I obviously blushed at the sight of having to go through his clothes, but I didn't want to be in the bathrobe all day. I guess you have no choice... My mind chirped. Grabbing a long auburn shirt that went all the way to my mid thigh. I walked out the closet grabbing a hold of my gold purse and opening it to see 56 missed calls and 38 text messages.
"Shoot!" I said.
All the missed calls were from Cassie and Rain. Then the text messages were from my sister Illyuim, Rain, and Cassie. I shrugged my shoulders and threw my phone back in the purse checking the time 8:30 A.M. Finally I left the room and the smell of bacon, pancakes, and fried eggs filled the house.
"Goodmorning!" I said as I walked in the kitchen and the person turned around and I knew that I could trust him because it was Liam.
"Hey Ellie! Has your fever gone down?"
Liam said cheerfully.
I got a clearer picture of him this time around. He had his blue sleeping pants on and a long sleeve shirt that was red at the arms and gray in the front and back, his hair was clearly uncombed, but still so cutely curled and messy, his light brown eyes displayed the happiness he was feeling, and he skillfully flipped the eggs to the other side with such grace I swore he could of been the God of Cooking.
Liam said again taking the egg with one scope placing it on a white corral plate, turning the stove off and walking toward me.
Everything happened so fast the next thing was I felt was his forehead on top of mine and I could tell his teeth was brushed because you could smell the minty toothpaste radiating off his breath with every single exhale.
"You don't seem to have a fever anymore, but you're still kind of warm please stay here today."
Liam said warmly.
I fidgeted with the hem of the long shirt that I had on and said,
"I have to get home.... I know my parents are probably flipping out that I'm not there...."
Liam just turned back around at me placing a plate and fork in my plate saying,
"Relax Ellie... I already told Illyuim to cover for you!"
I raised my brow questionably and sat down diving into the bacon and pancakes that lied before me. I took a bite into it and instantly fell in love with the light and fluffiness of the pancakes. I moaned in pleasure as I dove in for three more pancakes. I smiled in happiness when the pancake hit my mouth and the syrup spread all over my mouth like wildfire, giggling I realized Liam was smiling at me laughing at something.
"What are you laughing at?"
I said while raising a brow.
"Ellie you don't realize how cute you look right now in this moment of time."
My face flushed with embarrassment as I took the sleeve of the super long shirt over my face so he couldn't see the kind of face I was making.
"Come on Ellie! Don't hide you're so adorable."
Honestly my heart skipped a beat and I slowly put my arm down as I once again started eating my now soggy and syrupfied pancakes. Seriously Ellie your eating breakfast with a guy that you don't even know like that come on! My brain shouted, I know... but I'm... happy... I responded back to myself. I started to get lost in thought when I felt someone's breath on me and I snapped out of the conversation I was having with myself and saw Liam leaning into me. Hesitantly I closed my eyes as he leaned in and raised his hand to my face. My face became bright pink and he laughed while saying,
"You had syrup on your face Ellie I had to get it off!"
I opened my eyes and tried to calm my mini heart attack by placing my hands to my cheeks feeling them radiate heat on to my super cold hands. I looked up to Liam rubbing his hand in the back of his neck embarrassingly. He's so perfect. My mind chirped. Now when my mind told me this I smiled because for once it was telling me something I wanted to hear. Then the room went silent and it was a pretty awkward silence. So I tried to break the awkwardness.
We both said at the same exact time laughing and smiling at each other.
"Okay you first."
I said happily.
"What were you doing at the party last night? I know you're not that type of girl to go... And why did you walk to your car without a jacket on when you fell... I was... So... Afraid..."
He said slowly and unevenly, like what happened last night really did effect him deeply.
My smile dropped and I felt a warm hand on my arm reassuringly rubbing it in a comforting motion.
"Shortcake... You can tell me honestly anything and I won't judge you."
He said.
My face lifted into a little smile and I sighed saying,
"It's a long story....."
Liam just stared at me in complete shock.
"Shortcake we have plenty of time!"
I hopped off the long white stool I was sitting on and started cleaning up the kitchen and right as I was about to rinse the bubbles off the dishes Liam stood next to me and began rinsing the bubbles off the dishes.
I whined.
He said confused.
"You obviously just came in and decided to wash the dishes duhhh! What else!"
"Well Shortcake you still have to answer my question and I'm just trying to speed up the process."
He said winking at me.
I lightly hit his arm and he sprayed water on me. I grabbed a handful of bubbles and smacked it on his chin and began laughing really loud between breaths,
He just grinned and grabbed a bowl with water in it.
I said raising my hands up in a don't-you-dare posture.
"You wouldn't would you?"
He laughed and poured the water all over my body saying,
"Oh Shortcake I would!"
I squeaked laughing so hard.
"What's going in down here?"
Someone said walking into the kitchen almost slipping and I rushed to their aid.
"Umm Ms. are you okay?"
I said in concern.
She must have looked into my eyes because she smiled and said,
"Oh yes sweetheart I'm completely fine! Now Liam! What is this mess?"
Liam looked down at the ground embarrassed.
For some reason I was not completely understand the situation because while she waited for Liam's answer her face stared at me with complete amazement.
"Mom.... I was playing with water...."
He mumbled in his cute little boy voice.
Oh my goodness can he get any cuter! I told myself.
"And why were you playing with water?"
She said immediately after.
I looked at his mother shyly and said,
"Well... I decided he looked good with a bubble stash and he decided to splash water on me and that's how it started..."
I trailed off.
His mother just looked at him and back to me and back to him and then to me.
"Okay... Just clean it up alright?"
She said in a defeated tone.
"Yes ma'am!"
We both shouted smiling at one another.
"Was it a burglar?"
A more muscular voice came through the kitchen.
"Nope!" She said smiling,
"Just some troubled kids."
"Oh..." He trailed off.
I began analyzing these two people. Oh my goodness! They are beautiful! I mentally said. His mother had short blonde curly hair, blue eyes, flawless skin, and a pale complexion. She was pretty tall about 5'8, she had a small frame, but none the less she was smack dead gorgeous! His father on the other hand had short brown hair, light brown eyes, slim face with a great facial structure may I add that, his face was completely flawless as well, but he was slightly tanner than Liam's mother. He was pretty tall as well 6' to be exact because he and Liam seemed to be about the same height, but Liam's dad had a well built body and you could see his muscles poking out of his sleeping shirt and his muscles flexed as he pinned it around his chest. They both began laughing in unison with Liam. I snapped out of my trance and they said,
"Wow! Honey!"
Liam's mom placed her hand on Liam's dad chest and said,
"We got a compliment from a nice young lady here!"
Liam's dad just chuckled and wrapped his arms around Liam's mother saying,
"Thanks for calling us beautiful! Ahh?"
He trailed off.
Liam said.
"Yes Ellie." He said, "Son you've got yourself a keeper." He winked at Liam and he turned bright red. I didn't quite understand what they were getting at, so I ignored it.
"Mrs. and Mr. Winters I'm so sorry for intruding into your home so late last night...."
I said quietly with my head down.
Mrs. Winters walked in front of me and lifted my head up saying,
"Sweet heart! It's completely okay! I have never seen my son act like that in my whole entire 17 years of raising him. And please call me Jenny."
She said smiling pulling me into a hug.
Mr. Winters walked up to me then and took out his hand saying,
"Call me Pete and I hope I'll be seeing you more often Ellie?"
I laughed and shook his hand back lightly.
Liam walked behind me and placed his hand lightly on my back saying,
"Well mom, dad, I'm going to have to cut this meeting short because she has some explaining to do..."
I shot a glance at him and nodded as he led me up the stairs and into his room.
"Hey!" I said to Liam, "I didn't even get to say goodbye to your parents Mr!"
Liam just kept walking to his room dragging me along with him. I reluctantly stopped and as he was going to lean in and close me off I was already a step ahead of him and raced down the stairs where Jenny and Pete eyed us amusingly. Taking a deep breath to control my adrenaline I said,
"It was a pleasure meeting you both!"
Then they both just smiled at me and waved me off because Liam began to look impatient. Once I did that I raced into his room and he wasn't long behind me because by the time I sat on his soft cream colored couch he was settling right next to me.
"Now..." He said quietly, "Tell me what happened last night."
"It all started when..."
I started off.


Hahahaha! I know cliff hanger again! Sorry the chapter was sooooo long! But I hope you enjoyed it! I'm planning on doing one of the guys POV... I don't know who yet, but I'm excited! So once again I would like to say thank you for reading!:))


How did you think of Liam and Ellie's little date/time together?
He called her Shortcake! How do you feel about his parents and her?

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