Chapter Seven

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Hey friends I'm back again!!:)) I was too excited and decided to update early!!:)) I'll fix any grammatical errors and etc. ASAP! So please bare with them for now!:)) Anywho!:)) Enjoy!;)))


Ellie's POV

When I opened my eyes I realized that I was sleeping and jumped up looking around.
I whispered, "Liam where are you?"
I looked around and started panicking until I felt something warm around my waist.
Liam said nestling into my hip.
I looked down and through the window the moon illuminated a small light and I saw him sleeping so soundlessly. After a few minutes of him wrestling the covers he woke up and saw me staring at him we were face to face, forehead to forehead and he smiled brightly and sleepily said,
"How long were you up?"
He sounded so adorable! I closed my eyes and then opened them answering;
"Only a few minutes don't worry about it."
Then Liam got out of bed and when he left a cold breeze shot right at me and instead of feeling cold I felt alone. Liam turned on the bedroom light and it brought the color of the room back and I saw him open his hands to me. He didn't even need to ask I was already jumping out of the bed and running into his warm embrace. Liam just chuckled lightly at me as I held onto him for dear life. Warmth and belonging entered my system, I felt whole and it felt right.
"Are you hungry Ms. Ellie Valverior?"
I just nodded my head in agreement as he rubbed his fingers on the top of my head.
"What shall we eat tonight?"
He said placing a finger on his chin pretending to think.
I looked up at him and his light brown eyes held so many emotions; love, care, and lust with a hint of curiousness. I smiled at him and thought he's perfect.
"How about Chinese?"
I said unsure on how he was going to take my opinion.
He laughed and cupped my cheeks while kissing my lips.
"It's perfect I know this really great take out restaurant!" He said happily.
I squeezed him closer onto me and I wished time just stopped and that we could have a happily ever after, but I knew that things would change right when school would hit. His hands tightened around my waist and he hoisted me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips straddling him and rested my head into his neck.
"You know...."
Liam said hesitantly.
I said curiously.
"I really want to take you now... But I'm trying to fight these racing hormones..."
He's such a cutie!
I removed my head from his neck and slowly went to my feet still looking at him as we just stared into each other's eyes. It was as if the world went silent and it was only us two in the room.
"I'll go order the Chinese food."
He said hesitantly.
I looked at him while rotating my head to the side wondering if he was going to leave me by myself again.
Then he crouched down and held his hands up. I stared at him wondering what he was doing until it clicked he wants to picky bag me! I walked over and leaned into him as he picky bagged me all the way to the kitchen and seated me on one of the white high chairs.
"I'm sorry if I'm heavy...."
I stammered off.
"No shortcake! I would never think that nor say that ever. Unless! I'm teasing you."
He said lightly.
My heart raced and my breathing quickened is this what it means to be in love?
Liam picked up the phone and ordered Chow Men, Pop stickers, beef fried rice, shrimp fried rice, golden chicken, beef stir fry, and some plain rice. When he finished ordering my stomach grumbled and he laughed saying,
"Someone's hungry right?"
I nodded my head shyly as he placed the phone back on the charger and walked over to me sitting in the chair next to me holding my hand as we sat in a comfortable silence until the door bell chimed and Liam got up and walked to the door and I heard some talking and laughing and with that the door closed and the whiff of Chinese food hit my stomach making my stomach grumble even more. Once he set the food down and arranged it out on the table we both grabbed the chop sticks and dug in.

*Thirty minutes later*

"Ahhh!" I said rubbing my little belly,
"I'm sooooooooo fulllll!!"
My face was grinning from ear to ear as Liam just laughed at me. Honestly if you saw how much we both ate you guys would be surprised! We had soooo much food your jaw would drop and we didn't even waste a noodle! Liam got up and started picking up the empty boxes if Chinese food while I brought out a rag and started cleaning the table. Once we finished Liam scoped me up bridal style and I giggled lightly as we headed into his bed room. Right when we were about to enter the room we heard a loud knocking on the door. We both turned our heads to one another. Who could it be? His parents would have just walked in? Someone got through the security it must be someone close to Liam? Then we heard the knocking again and Liam walked into his room placing me on the bed and walked over to his door.
"Liam please... Please don't go... Don't leave me..." I said in a needy tone.
Liam looked at the door then back at me and nodded his head quietly closing the door and creeping into bed with me. I nestled into his chest as he held me close.
I whispered quietly.
"Yes shortcake?"
He said quietly.
"Who was that?"
I felt him shrug his shoulders said,
"Shortcake I really don't know, but whoever it was came at the wrong time."
I smiled against his chest and let his warmth radiate through my whole body and as I drifted to sleep I swore I heard him say,
"I love you shortcake."

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