Chapter Eight

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Hey friends!!:)) I'm back!:)) Hope you're enjoying the story!:)) Sorry for any errors I'll correct them ASAP! So just bare with them for now!!:))


Martin's POV (A few hours before reaching Liam's house)

My mind kept racing back and forth because Ellie didn't come home!


To Marti:
Sorry brotha she's not gone yet! I don't know where she is so STOP ANNOYING ME ALREADY!! You've been on this since Friday if you were this worried about her you should of chased her not act like a complete a**!!

To Cass:
Come on Cass! Don't lie to me! Tell me where she is I know you know!

To Marti:
Fine I know where she is, but Illyium told me not to tell anyone. She said she's fine so leave her alone you haven't even confessed to her so stop acting like an overprotective boyfriend!

To Cass:
Seriously!? You dare compare me to an overprotective boyfriend!? I'm not overprotective! Stop watching those dramas they're messing with your brains!

To Marti:
How dare you! You know what!!! YOU are an OVERPROTECTIVE jerk and you need to GROW UP! I WAS going to tell you where she was, but guess what!? FORGET IT! You don't deserve it! I'm trying my best NOT to cuss alright so DON'T push it!

To Cass:
I'm so sorry Cass.... Please forgive me... I'm just worried and I really care for this girl... Come on please if you just tell me where she is I'll be able to rest....

To Marti:
Okay..... You sure you're just going to rest as ease? I'm pretty sure you’re going to drag her to your house and demand an explanation... That sounds more like you.

To Cass:
Rofl!! I just might Cass. I just need to know who she's with and check it out.

To Marti:
Don't worry about it she's with someone you can trust so don't take it to heart. Now rest at ease. Alright!:)

To Cass:
No! Don't tell me she's with.... Liam!

To Marti:
I don't know what you're talking about? Just leave me alone alright a promise is a promise and I'm not telling you so leave me alone.

To Cass:
Don't worry Cass I know where she is now and that explains why he didn't open his door yesterday when I went over. He's so dead!

To Marti:
Wait you what!? You went there yesterday and he didn't open the door!? Spill now Marti!

To Cass:
Later... I've got a girl to catch.

To Marti:
You have a girl! You're talking about a girl you're coco for cocoa puffs for!

To Cass:

I closed my iPhone 5c and put it in my pocket mumbling to myself,
"They're so dead!"
Once I got to the gates the guards let me in without hesitation since I was like Pete's and Jenny's second son. Hey I practically lived there! I zoomed passed all the gates and saw their white bricked house come into full view. I parked my car on the side and walked over to the door getting ready to knock until I heard laughing booming from the kitchen. I could recognize that laugh from anywhere it was Ellie's. I rang the door bell instead, twice in fact. Honestly I swear my patience was being tested until finally the door open and Pete was there looking at me hesitantly. I saw him greet me cautiously as if to warn someone of my presence and after a couple minutes of his babbling I walked passed him and Jenny stood right in front of me.
"Jenny I love you as my mother, but if you don't move I'm afraid I'm going to have to push you."
Jenny just stood her ground waiting for me to make my move I stepped to the side and she did too, but being a basketball player I had a faster reaction time than her and passed her. Finally! When I got in the dining room I saw Ellie hugging Liam and my face went red I balled my knuckles so tight.
"What are you two doing!?"
I yelled and they both slowly turned around and Liam had his arm in her shoulder.
How close did those to get in two days?

Turn Around {Slowly Editing}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora