Chapter Nine

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Hey Friends!!:)) How as the last chapter lol!!:)) Emotional? Boring??! Well I hope your enjoying the ride so far!:)) I'll try to fix the errors ASAP alright!:)) So bare with them for now alright!:))


Liam's POV

As my mother was describing the incident regarding Ellie's parents we heard her scream,
"Oh my! Greg! Lilianna!"
Then I grabbed Ellie's body holding it against me.
"She's going through shock! Get the sedatives!"
Greg screamed.
Then Lilianna ran and injected the needle into her arm and I said,
"Shortcake I'm going from take care of you everything's going to be okay."
Then she cried,
"They're dead Lee... They're not coming back...."
"Baby I'm going to take care of you! I don't care if we're both seventeen I'm going to take care of you I promise!"
Then I assumed that the sedatives were kicking in because she drifted off into sleep. I was never surer of anything in my life. I didn't just like her I knew that I... Loved her and I would take care of her. I felt someone slightly touch my shoulder and I turned around noticing it was Eric.
"Ric...(Eric) I.... They're.... Dead..."
I said brokenly.
Eric gave me a man hug and told me that they'll get Martin and lock him up for life. We all found out that it was a hit and run because they conducted an autopsy and they realized that the body was put under shock quite quickly and that they all bled to death. The cops that were on the scene found Martin there and began questioning him, but by the time the questions got more personal and they analyzed the scene more clearly, like looking at his car and her parent's then seeing his awkward reactions, it was too late they were knocked out and when they awoke in the hospital they felt like failures. Now, Martin was on the loose and Ellie's going through shock and my heart felt like it was breaking into two.
"Why would he do this?"
I said and my voice cracked at the end.
Eric was lost deep in thought and then looked back at me saying,
"Did Ellie go to the party on Friday?"
I nodded and said,
"You kissed her Ric..."
His head snapped up and realization hit his eyes.
"That girl was Ellie!"
I nodded my head, but kept my head down,
"She was devastated Ric... Seriously like just be careful."
Eric looked lost for words and deep in thought,
"Dude... We have to get her out of California."
"Wait why?"
"No time for explaining I'm going to talk to her, her body has healed already it's just her mental and emotional state that's being oppressed... You guys go home and rest!"
I looked at Eric in complete shock and amazement because he only acted like this when he was playing football or taking something super seriously. I nodded my head and left along with my parents and went home I couldn't shake this dreadful feeling lingering inside my heart for some weird reason though.

Eric's POV

Once Liam and his family left I went into the room that Ellie was in and locked the door telling no one to disturb us and they got the memo. The drugs should be wearing off by now. Then soon to my amazement Ellie started to open her big brown eyes and whimpered. I walked over to her and pulled a chair saying,
"Ellie I know how it is to lose a loved one and Martin is out there searching and waiting for you to pop out..."
Tears formed in her eyes and I could tell she was scared.
"Ellie I'm going to take care of you."
She said.
"Because you all are going to disappear soon too...."
"Ellie... You're almost eighteen right?"
"Yes? Why?"
"Because you've gotta get out of Cali that's why."
"And where do you expect me to go huh? I have no one anymore..."
"Ellie listen to me and listen good...."
"How about I move to Milwaukee, Wisconsin? Once I'm eighteen you can send me all the money that my parents have in the bank because I can't access it until then. Then dealing with the therapy I'll be fine just send Lilianna and Greg once a month to come check up on me, but don't tell them to tell anyone about my condition or place of stay except for you. Since it is patient to doctor and they must respect their patient’s wishes."
I sat there in complete amazement because she took the words right from my mouth. Now don't get me wrong Ellie was a smart, beautiful and stunning girl, but to have her come up with a plan so fast she was so intelligent!
"Okay... Let's get you ready to leave I'll bring Greg and Lilianna in and we'll discuss the plan with them and then we'll leave alright?"
Ellie nodded her head and I walked out the door and into the doctor’s office.
"Lilianna, Greg, Ellie's expecting you and we need to do this fast."
They nodded their heads and quickly rushed into Ellie's room.

Ellie's POV

Once Eric left dread struck a chord with me because I've never been outside of Cali before and I knew I would miss the warm temperatures and boiling sun. They're dead... Mom, dad, and Illy... They're gone and it's all my fault if I wasn't here then they would of been still alive right now... Depression consumed me and regret slapped me in the face. The last thing I said to my parents was I hate you! The last thing...
I couldn't handle the pain any longer I felt like jumping off the ledge and falling onto the cement ground for my carelessness, but when I got up to do it two firm arms held me and said,
"Don't think to rash we're going to help you Ellie."
I turned around and saw Lilianna, Greg, and Eric and they all said,
"Let's get this plan going before Liam gets back."
I nodded my head in agreement and said in my head, if I couldn't protect the ones I cared for the most I knew I wound protect the one that meant more to life itself Liam Winters.
"Let's do this!"
I said.


Hey friends so sorry! Cliff hanger!!)): I know it's boring for now, but hopefully it'll get better! She was in the hospital nothing much was going to happen lol!:)) But I hoped you enjoyed it!:))

Will their plan crash and burn?
Why is Ellie leaving?
Why is Eric helping Ellie?
How do you think Liam is going to take this plan?

Please vote, comment, and share!!!:))

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