Chapter Twenty Five

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Here we go friends!!:)) Chapter twenty five I'll try and fix the errors ASAP alright!:)) Enjoy!!:))


Liam's POV

Once I arrived at my house I stormed inside and didn't even acknowledge Horden or Frenchy for driving to my house so I wouldn't kill or run anyone over. This wouldn't of happened if I didn't go to the shoot and if I didn't leave her by herself! But no she talked me into going and telling me she's be okay, by herself for ten minutes! Ten MINUTES! Now she's missing! I could remember how I was delivered the news.

Flash back

I was sitting on the producer chair going over the footage of the newest movie we were shooting, Will you love me tomorrow? (Completely made up) As we got to the very heated scene when Nina finds out that Hector her boyfriend is cheating on her she runs off and gets hit by a drunk driver, we called it a scene there so we could review the footage and the acting parts that were being displayed on camera when my phone rang.

What does the fox say ring, ring, ring, ring....

I swear Eric always hacks my phone and gives me the stupidest ringtones for himself!
"What Eric?! I'm working!"
I hissed.
But after, that call all he'll broke loose and I flipped my chair and destroyed everything and anything onset and people had to hold me back. I'm glad that Glen, one of the producers were there to help guide the people and tell them what to do with everything because right now my mind was set to punch Eric's face in so bad Shelly wouldn't even want to marry the jerk! The next thing I know I'm being dragged to my car and buckled in while Horden drives to my estate with Frenchy right behind us.

Flashback END

I boomed right outside the door banging on it. The door opened and everyone stood there waiting, fidgeting from one foot to the other.
"Son please don't!"
But it was too late my fist collided with Eric's mouth causing a snap to be heard.
"Lilianna, Greg... Please check him out..."
Lilianna and Greg cautiously made their way over to him and gave him the medical attention needed while my parents talked to me to try and calm me down.
"She's out there! She's almost due anytime now! Why? Why couldn't he have got here on time mom?!"
"Sweetie... If it didn't happen now it would've sooner or later and the police are expecting us to testify and give our piece of information. We need to go to the police okay..."
"Okay mom..."
Then Eric slowly made his way into the living room with Lilianna and Greg trudging behind him.
"Just because she's your wife doesn't mean we don't feel your pain too Lee... We all feel the sense of loss for her not being here. I'm sorry man."
Eric said placing his hands in his hair he sat down and said,
"Liam I was in love with Ellie since that night she kicked my little Eric's..."
I slowly walked up to Eric fisting my hands together and ready to take another swing at him while Shelly just stood there unable to process the information that was being said in front of her.
"I'm sorry I couldn't have been here on time it's all my fault... Shelly baby don't think any less of my love for you... I love you... But Ellie was and is my first love... I just wanted you all to know that before it bites me in the ass! So instead of mopping around I'm going to the police station with you okay."
I looked at Eric as he reached his hand out for me to shake. I could completely understand what he meant Ellie had a huge impact not just on my life, but everyone's here and I had to man up like Eric did and go to the station.
"Truce man... Just stay away from my wife!"
"Hey man I already got one. Let's head out."
Eric said pulling Shelly to his face and hugging her telling her how much he really loves her and how the feelings for Ellie are practically gone now.

Ellie's POV

We were placed into this cabin based house and we stuck in a room that could only fit one twin bed and a little drawer with a light on top of it. The place was somewhere out in the dusty and dry lands of California and my little ones inside me were beginning to move uncontrollably. I placed Tristien on the bed and he still hasn't been able to wake up. I've check his state and he seems to be stable, but I don't know the damages until he wakes up. Soon my phone started to vibrate. Oh my goodness I still have my fudging phone! No way! I slowly pulled out my phone and saw that it was a text message from Dr. Kim.

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