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1 week later~

Yuri's POV

Yoongi asked me on a date, and of course, I said yes. Its tomorrow and he won't tell me where we are going. I wonder where.

I was laying on my bed as these thoughts went through my head. We've already had dinner and it just turned nine. I heard a small knock on my bedroom door so I just said 'come in'.
Yoongi walked in and came straight to my bed. Before I could question him her got under the covers, faced me, and closed his eyes.

I smiled. Honestly, how did I get so lucky? I was pretty tired after cleaning the entire house, even though the boys said not too, so I guess I'll just go to bed.

I got in a comfortable position and fell asleep surprisingly fast.


I woke up from something poking me in the arm reportedly. I groaned and turned around. The poking continued so I got up, clearly annoyed. I look at the window to see no light coming in. I grabbed my phone off of the table and looked at the time. '3:38' it displayed.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at it again. '3:39' it now displayed.

"Why are we up so earlyyy?" I asked Yoongi.

"Shh! We are going on our date. Don't wake any." He told me.

He grabbed two bags and but them in one hand and my hand in his other. We walked out my door and went downstairs. We both put on our shoes and went out the door. Yoongi dragged me to his car and threw the bags in the back. I got in the passengers seat whilst Yoongi got into the drivers seat. He plugged his keys into the ignition and drove off.

Min Yoongis POV

Yuri fell asleep all spread out in the passengers seat. I looked over at her and let out a small chuckle. I smiled at her and looked back at the road. To be hinest, shes not the prettiest sleeper, but when I see her asleep I get the feelz man. She is just toooo cutte toooo me.

It was still dark out and the only sounds that can be heard is the siunf of the car and Yuris soft breathing.

Usually I cant stand the sound of people breathing, but for Yuri, its different.

Suprisingly shes really cheerful, hyper, crazy, funny. sweet. cute. and adorable. But the she also has the times where she is mad, tired, grumpy, and may I mention, really hot.

When shes mad is probably my favorite. She just gets so cute. Her face goes red and she throws her arms around and then full out yells at the person and roast them so hard. I havent seen her roast someone yet, but Im hoping its soon. 


"Yuri. We are here." I said in her ear, whilst shaking her slightly.

She rose up out of her seat slowly, her hair a mess and seat marks on the side of her face. She yawned and began to open her eyes.

"We are here, Yuri." I said.

She adjusted her eyes and her eyes set on a large hotel.

"We are staying her for three days~" I said. She smiled. Man, that smile could kill a herd of elephants, im suprised im not dead yet.

"You look good." She told me. I smiled.

"Well its not like I could say the same thing for you. You look like you just escaped a birds nest and began living with cave men." I simply said. She huffed and her face went red. Awe.


A/N Sorry for not updating, Ive just been busy. I havent had ANY sleep since Tuesday, and its now Thursday, so Im going to sleep. NIGHT! 

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