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Yuri soon finished her shower. She dried herself off with a towel, and got dressed.

The mirror above the sink was all foggy so Yuri wiped it down. She looked in the mirror and stared at herself. She sighed. She left the bathroom and went to the living room. All the boys were there.

Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook were sitting on the floor in front of a large flat screen TV, with controllers in their hands, playing some fighting game.

Jimin and Namjoon were sitting on the couch, looking down at their phones.

Jin was watching the boys play the video game.

And Yoongi was laying on the couch, with his head in the couch crease, sleeping.

No one had noticed Yuri, so she just stood there. Her stomach growled indicating she was hungry, and all the boys looked up at her, except Yoongi.

"Hungry?" Jin asked.

"U-um..No.." Yuri lied.

Jin then went to kitchen, and began cooking.

"Y-you don't have to mak-" Yuri was interupped by Jin. "You need to eat well, so you can become FABULOUSSSSSSSS like me~" He said, making some of the boys chuckle.

Yuri nodded her head and sat on the floor, near the Couch, since all the seats were being taken up.

"Yuri, you can come sit with me, I'll scoot over." Jimin said scooting over, and patting the small space next to him.

"Its fine." Yuri said.

"Come onnnn~" Jimin said.

"Fineee" Yuri said, standing up and sitting in the small space.

Yuri felt slightly uncomfortable being so close. She was squished right up against Jimin.

She just sat there until Jin yelled that the food was done, causing Yoongi to wake up and look around. His eyes landed on Yuri and Jimin, and he gave Jimin a Im-going-to-murder-you look.

Yuri hopped up and ran to the table.

She said thank you to Jin and began choving the food in her mouth. All the boys just stared at her.

"What?" Yuri asked with food on her face.

"You got a little...um...never mind." Namjoon said, all the boys laughed.

Yuri just continued to eat.

Once everyone was finished Yoongi took Yuri outside, telling her they needed to talk.

They went outside while all the others stayed inside, continuing what they were doing before.

"What were you and Jimin doing?" Yoongi said coldly.

"U-um...nothing? He just told me I could sit there with him, BC I had nowhere to sit.." Yuri told Yoongi.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just got scared." Yoongi said.

Right before Yuri could question him, there was a loud BANG!!

"TAE COME BACK HERE! THATS MY COOKIE!" Hoseok yelled chasing Taehyung.

Taehyung was running for his life with cookies shoved in his mouth. Yuri busted out in laughter.

Eventually Hoseok gave up and sat down.

Yuri looked at the time and it was already 2:00pm.

Yoongi and Yuri headed back inside, and Jin told them that it was time to go practice. Yuri nodded her head and told them she was going to stay behind.

*BA DING* Yuri's phone said, indicating that someone texted her. She looked down at her phone to see that Jen had texted her.

Jen- Hey! I was wondering if I could come over to your place, and hangout! Can I?

Yuri was about to type no, but remembered she now I had a place to stay.

She looked up at Jin and said, "Oh, can my friend come over? I just met her today."

"Its your house also, you don't need permission." Jin said.

"Oh sorry, I forgot." Yuri said and laughed.

Yuri- Sure! I'll give you the address~

Yuru gave her the address.

Jen- Okay! Thanks, I will be there in about fifteen minutes! See ya~

Yuri closed her phone and smiled. She still didn't know whether or not to trust Jen, BC of what happened with Jennie and Blake.

The boys said their good byes and left. Yuri sat on the couch and waited..


Okay soooo I had a movie date with my friends, and then my step mom called and asked if I wanted to go eat, and then she mentioned that the guy I liked would be there. Solo I said yes. I waited, and waited. My older sister came over to hangout and we all talked, my other older sister texted my step mom when she was going to be here, BC it was 8pm, and we all went back to talking. My sister checked her phone again, and she had a text message twenty minutes ago. She read it out loud.

"I'll be there in 30 minutes to pick her up."

I got all excited and thennnn she said...

"Sorry I won't be there, the weather is really bad."

My sisters then left, leaving me home alone...


But I'm Broken. |m.ygWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt