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Bree came over.

Of course.

She sqeezed her self in the same seat Yuri was in.
"Oh heyyy! Im Bree!" Bree said happly to all the boys and put her hand out.

Yuri put her head down and sqeezed the side of her arms.

"Oh, Yuri. Is this a friend of yours??" Namjoon asked.

Right before Yuri could answer Bree cut in.

"Oh of course i am! And Yuri here was just leaving. Weren't you, Yuri????" Bree said pushing Yuri out the seat.

Yuri couldnt speak. Right when her life was getting good, Bree had to come and ruin it. Yuri just looked down and held on to her sides.

"Yuri? Is she your friend?" Jin asked.

Yuri shook her head no.

"Of course we are! Yuri just doesnt want me to be friends with you guys because she's quite jealous and scared that I'm going to take her 'friends' since I'm more attractive then her, and much better!" Bree said with a smirk.

"I acually think Yuri is prettier, and shes really sweet and awesome in my opinion." Yoongi says.

Yuri blushed but no one could see.

"UGH!" Bree freaked out and stormed off.

"T-thanks.." Yuri said.

"No problem, Now come and sit down. Where is your lunch?" Yoongi said.

"O-oh... i dont have one." Yuri said.

"Ah, Dont worry! Eomma Jin has brought an extra meal!" Jin said handing Yuri a sandwich.

"Thanks Eomma Jin~" Yuri said, chuckling slightly. Yuri took the sandwich from jin, and ate it.

After they were done eating everyone got to know Yuri a bit more, as she got to know them a bit more.

"Soooo, Yuri! You should definitely come to hangout with us after school! We have a dance practice later today, but you can come!" Jimin said.

"Ah, well i dont want to bother you." Yuri said, in a shy tone.

"You're no bother! Just make sure you dont wear that hoodie, because its going to be hot!" Jimin said.

"But-" Yuri was cut off by Hoseok.

"Okay! So you're coming! You can come with us after school!" Hoseok said, getting up from the table as he grabbed his lunch. the others followed behind him after their goodbyes.

Sooo i just remembered that in Korea they have uniforms... oops. Here in America we dont. Sorrry! Buttttt after this they will have uniforms!

Its Friday in this chqoter btw!
Wellll byeee~

Any suggestions?


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