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"May I take your order?" a yonnger looking girl asked.

"We would like three large pepperoni pizza please." Jin said.

The waitress wrote the order down on a small note pad and left.

Hoseok was next to Jin, next to Jin was Rapmonster, and then Jimin. In front of them sat Jungkook, next to Jungkook was Taehyung, then Yoongi, and finally sat Yuri.

Yuri kept getting weird looks from all the girls that went to her school. Yuri just laughed it off and kept talking to the guys. Yuri is usally very shy, but the guys made her feel like she didn't have to be shy and quiet. Yuri was having a really fun time actually. That's when Bree and her 'squad' came into the pizza shop.

Yuri began to get scared. And she then felt very insecure. Yuri always thought that Bree and her squad were really pretty, smart, small, cool, and girly.  everything a guy would look for in a girl.

 Bree came over to there table and started flirting with Yoongi.  Yuri got a weird feeling. She got upset. And kinda mad. Yuri just sat there sunk down in the seat.  "So, I think youre at the wrong table. The table youre supposed to be at is over here." Bree said with a grin, pointing to her table.

"I think I'm at the right table." Yoongi stated coldly.

"Oh, my bad! I got it alllll wrong!" Bree exclaimed. "Yuri, here, is at the wrong table! Yuri sweetie, Youre table is outside. This is my table!" Bree said with a smile.

"O-oh..I-I'm sorry.." Yuri said getting up.

Yoongi then grabbed her wrist. "last time i checked, this was our table. not your table. yuri is sitting here, along with the rest of us. now go run along with your little group, and dont come back." Yoongi stated, making Yuri sit down and blush.   "UGH! How could you even like such a worthless, ugly, stupid person anyways??!?!" Bree screamed.

"Yuri is none of those things. Now leave." Yoongi said coldly.   The boys nodded their heads in aggrement.

Bree and her squad marched out the door and left. The waitress came out and handed them their pizza. Yuri was still blushing..


Aish I forgot to update.  But that's okayyyy. I'm working on the next chapter nowwww! I hope you enjoyed!! ^^


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