Chapter Thirty-Eight: On My Doorstep

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I woke up suddenly, sweat pooling down my forehead and my heart beating out of my chest. Frantically, I pushed my covers off and sat up, checking my surroundings. I relaxed once I noticed that it was just another dream. Another nightmare.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked around the smallish room that I had slept in for nearly two weeks. It was rather plain, with blank white walls and a twin bed propped against the wall. Certainly a downgrade from my master suite at the Mason's Mansion, but I had adjusted quickly. It was just like my room in Denver, except this one didn't have air conditioning, which was painful, especially on a hot September day in Phoenix.

But the lack of air conditioning wasn't the reason why my pajamas were soaked with sweat and my cheeks were stained with tears. Ever since I had arrived in Phoenix, my nightmares had returned, ten times worse than before. And ten times as terrifying.

For two weeks, I dreamt of my worst fears; the car accident, Will getting shot by the druggies, and even getting stabbed in an alleyway by Scarface. It was ruining me slowly.

I pushed the plain grey bedspread to the side as I got out of bed and tiptoed over to the light switch, flicking it on. I wouldn't be going back to sleep tonight after my latest nightmare.

Just the thought of it made me want to puke. In tonight's dream, I had followed Will into the warehouse where he was being held at gunpoint. There was a whole row of people tied to chairs: John, Zoey, Anna, Jack, Q, Hannah, Gran and even my parents. Everyone I had ever loved or cared about were there, tied helplessly. Then each of the druggies put a gun up to their heads, their fingers resting on the trigger.

Then the drug lord, Jesse, handed me a gun and made me point it at Will, who was tied up in front of me. "Shoot him, or we shoot everyone else you love.", They had said in sync, their voices sounding like death.

But I couldn't bring myself to shoot him. So one by one, the druggies put a bullet in the heads of all of the ones I loved. Just the thought of Jack's pleading eyes or John's begging, made me want to burst into tears. But still, even after they killed everyone, I couldn't pull the trigger on Will. I was too weak and I couldn't let him go. Then, just before I woke up, Scarface shot Will in the head too, and he slumped limply to the floor. The last thing I could remember before I woke, was my own bloodcurdling screams as I watched blood pour out from his wound.

"It's just a dream.", I murmured quietly to myself as I paced the room.

It had been two weeks since I left behind Curmouth, and I wasn't going to lie, I missed it terribly. The worst part was knowing how hurt those who I didn't say goodbye to would be. They probably felt so betrayed.

I wonder how Jack felt when he heard that I left. Did he feel bad about our fight? Did he miss me? Did Will miss me?

I shook my head. That answer was clear. He didn't miss me one bit. He hated me. He was probably happier now that I wasn't there. He was probably hooking up with Amber Tate and living the good life.

The only people I had said goodbye to were the Masons. And that was only because I had to. If it were up to me, then I would have vanished with nothing more than a note. Q, Jack, Tabitha, and anyone else would have to hear it from them.

I sighed, running my fingers through my disheveled hair. I had left that life behind. It was for the best anyway. Phoenix was better than Curmouth.

At least Jasmine Greenwald was a good person. She had picked me up from the airport in her old secondhand car, and driven me to North City Heights, the apartment complex that I would eventually call home. It wasn't too bad of a place. Our apartment had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a joint living room and kitchen. It was decent, especially for the cheap rent.

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