Chapter 36- Kaylee at the Prom

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A/N: Jealousy Best Served Devious is officially finished!

Chapter Thirty-Six Part Two- Kaylee at the Prom

Once we were on our way to prom in the limo, the conversation turned to Jermaine and the fact that Suzi couldn't make it to prom because she was in LA.

"I thought she was moving to LA after prom?" I asked curiously, wondering what kind of android Jermaine was. He didn't even seem upset in the slightest that his girlfriend was missing prom.

He's a robot, and he doesn't even know it.

Shrugging, Jermaine casually replied, "Nah, something came up, so she had to leave early."

Poor, poor Maino.

Shelley and I gave him matching sad looks. "Are you okay?" Shelley asked, leaning forward to pat Jermaine's knee softly.

"Yeah." Jermaine frowned at us. "Why y'all looking at me like that?"

I raised my eyebrows, confused. "Like what?"

"Like I'm a sneaker head who just scuffed his brand new Jordan's."

Tyler snickered loudly. "That's really specific, Maino," he pointed out.

"But it's accurate, right?" Jermaine nudged Janessa, who nodded in agreement as she stared out of the window.

Biting my lip in consternation, I said, "I mean, I just feel bad. You've been together for years, it would have been nice for you to go to prom together."

I can't help being a hopeless romantic, even if you act like you don't care, Maino.

"Eh, it's all good." Jermaine shrugged again. "Thanks for your...sympathy?"

Janessa slowly turned to glower at Shelley and I, a disapproving look on her pretty face. "Where's my sympathy?"

"Me too!" Brandon piped up. "We're both single and have no dates to prom."

Resting her head on Vince's shoulder, Shelley flippantly said, "Why don't you be each other's dates?"

"I beg your damn pardon?" Janessa rolled her eyes as she snorted derisively. "In case you haven't noticed, Brandon is still sulking because Landon didn't ask him to prom."

Pouting, Brandon protested, "Am not! As if a varsity basketball player would ask me to prom." He tossed his head defiantly. "I've got highlighter on, for God's sakes!"

"And it's popping," Shelley appeased him.

Inquisitively, Tyler asked, "Did you even ask Landon if he was going to prom? Or, you know, even hint to him that you were interested beyond saying 'hi'?"

"Are you on my side, or not?" Brandon snapped without any heat in his voice.

Laughing, Tyler said, "I'm just curious, dude."

"It doesn't even matter anymore," Brandon lied, running a hand through his platinum locks. Oh, you know it does. "My mission is simply to have a fun prom. Brandon Pearce is single and ready to mingle." He paused, gazing at the limo's skylight unseeingly. "Even though I hate the kids at our school."

Narrowing my eyes, I glared at him. "Rude."

"Apart from you guys, jeeze."

Once we arrived at the prom location, got settled in a prime position near the stage with punch in our hands, Tyler and Vince meandered away to chat with some of their boys.

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