Chapter 20- Reunion

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Chapter Twenty- Reunion.

I tried to tune out Brandon's excitedly questioning voice as we walked into the school building, my fingers wrapping protectively around the offending paper bag which held the condoms. Brandon had grabby fingers and the last thing I wanted was for him to snatch the bag away from me before we ran into Janessa. Like I said, I was only going to tell them the story (albeit chopped, screwed and as vague as possible) once. With all the interruptions from Janessa and Brandon (they never let me finish a story without badgering me for more details), I could foresee myself taking way longer than needed to tell this tale. No need to drag on the process, right? Right.

"He never gets out of his car when he drops you off!" I combed my fingers through my ponytail, marvelling at how well the curl defining cream I had-ahem- borrowed from Dianne worked. My hair felt silky, soft, and my tightly coiled curls were more defined. Plus, it smelled ah-mazing! I'm not giving this back, sorry, Di. I zoned back in to Brandon's monologue just in time to hear him ask, "Did he buy you a car?"

My brows rose as I perplexedly said, "Why would he buy me a car?"

Did I hear him right? What part of the scene that Brandon witnessed between dad and I had led him to believe that dad was gifting me with a car? Talk about jet packing to conclusions! Uttering a sharp, derisory laugh, I added, "I don't even know if I'm going to Sacramento State or a community college yet. If my parents buy me a car, it definitely won't be anytime soon."

After all, if I ended up going to a community college, I could still use mom's VW to get around. It wasn't like my family was loaded enough to buy me a car as a graduation present, either.

"Well, what is happening?" Brandon exclaimed, tossing his arms up all frustrated.

I patted him on one jittery shoulder, trying to calm him down. "Relax, Bran. How much sugar did you have today?"

He was acting like Arielle on a sugar high, talking a mile a minute and waving his hands around like an amateur mime.

"I had to have sugary cereal for breakfast, my dad blew up the stove," Brandon explained with that weary patience one utilizes when explaining things to an idiot. But I was too stuck on what he was saying to even care about the tone he said it in.

Okay, I definitely need to clean my ears out, because no way did he just say what I thought he just said.

To clarify, I asked, "Your dad did what?"

"Yeah, and now he has no eyebrows." My eyebrows arched up to my hairline and Brandon gave a complacent nod at my shock. "No, really, he has no eyebrows!"

A toned arm dropped into my shoulder and, in my ear, a curious Janessa asked, "Why is he yelling, though? You want the whole school to know that your dad burned his eyebrows off while attempting to make fries?"

"Is that what he was trying to do?" I couldn't help giggling as we walked to Janessa's locker.

Nodding, Brandon said, "Yeah, but don't be changing the subject." He leaned forward to fix me with a stern glare. "We have a Kaylee situation on our hands, Nessa."

"What is it?" Janessa asked interestedly, pulling me out of the path of a group of football players as I groaned.

Hi-ho, here we go.

Rapidly, Brandon explained the little he had seen go down between me and dad as I hopped from one foot to the other nervously. He finished with a petulant, "I just want to know what Kaylee's dad gave her."

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