Chapter 10- Through the Grapevine

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Chapter Ten

Through the Grapevine

The universe has a pretty twisted sense of humor, in my humble opinion. For years I had just been a regular girl at Sao Marino High, flying under the radar, known more for my kinky hair than anything else. And now, thanks to one measly kiss and one huge blabbermouth, (I'm pointing fingers at you, Bobby Alton) my name was in everyone's mouth.

Suddenly I was an integral part of the Tyler/ Celeste/ Ryder triangle and everybody was noticing me and generally being in my business. Sao Marino High is pretty laid back compared to most high schools I've seen on TV (Gossip Girl's high school terrifies me). Sure, we have mean girls, gossip and our grapevine is second to none, but people are generally cool with each other. There's no pointing of fingers, whispering behind hands or outright confrontations unless the person who was being talked about went out of his/ her way to stir the proverbial pot. My kiss with Tyler- it stirred the pot until the damn thing boiled over.

It was bad enough that my friends could barely believe what had gone down between Tyler and I, (I was having a hard time processing it myself so I couldn't blame them) but now my very own schoolmates, who up until that day had barely been aware of my existence, let alone my name, kept stopping me in the school hallways to ask if I had really kissed Tyler.

"You've finally reached notoriety," Brandon intoned grumpily as he walked me to my locker after the last class of the day.

Yes, I actually needed an escort. Or at least someone to hold on to as I got bombarded with questions by a throng of nosy girls. So this is how it feels to be famous.

I muttered "I wish I hadn't."

"If you would have left me to deal with Tyler, you wouldn't be." Brandon sniffed contemptuously, no real bite to his tone. "Selfish hooker."

Punching him lightly in the arm, I protested, "Ain't like I wanted it to happen!"

"Sure, that's why you kissed him back," Brandon snorted, sarcasm spiking his tone. He rolled his eyes, adding, "Greedy ho. I thought you hated him? Do you know what this world would be like if people who hated each other went around kissing each other just for the hell of it? 90210 wouldn't have been created! Ignorant skank."

I bit my lip, deep in thought as Brandon said the last part. Why had I allowed Tyler to kiss me? Why hadn't I pushed him away and locked myself in the car? Hell, why had I even let him kiss me again? Heat of the moment? Just plain heat?

Out loud, I said, "I plead the Fifth," even though Brandon hadn't exactly asked me why I had let Tyler kiss me.

"You'd better plead the Fifth," Brandon said in a mock snarl as Shelly joined us, her eyes bright.

"Hey, Kaylee!"

She leaned in to give me a quick hug, which was kind of surprising in itself, but not really. The only time Shelly ever hugged me was if she wanted to make me do something unpleasant (like apologize)or if she had done something mean to me and was sorry about it. She never hugged me just because she was happy to see me after two classes. But just as I was starting to narrow my eyes as a feeling of distrust washed over me, (she was up to something)she stepped away from me and began walking(scratch that, she didn't walk. She was practically skipping) next to me. I chanced a look at her face and almost cried.

With all the recent drama surrounding me, I hadn't had a chance to think about Shelly's fledgling relationship with Vince and what it meant to me, but it was obvious that the two were getting closer as the days went by. Just by looking at Shelly's face I knew this. I'd been her best friend for way too long and I knew the symptoms. Her eyes were bright, her face was glowing with happiness (not from excess oil, Shelly always kept anti-shine powder in her purse) and her step had a definite spring in it. I didn't know when it had happened, but somehow Shelly had crossed the lust line and was being overtaken by infatuation. And when the dopamine wore off, who was going to have to deal with the ensuing drama? Yours truly. I could tell by her dreamy eyes. Ol' girl thought she was in love. It was the same look I had on my face when I was gazing into my mirror at home and daydreaming of being on my first date with Ryder. A lovesick, dopey look. Eww.

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