Chapter 26- The Wasted Ex-Girlfriend

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A/N: Buckle up, guys. It's go time.


Chapter Twenty-Four- Drastic Measures.

It was almost 10pm by the time we reached Peter's house, and I was stunned into silent by the opulence of chez Matheson. As Tyler drove up the gently sloping driveway, I gaped at the perfectly manicured lawn, the large fountain in front of the brightly lit entrance and- is that a statue?

"Why the hell does Peter wear those raggedy sweatpants every day when he lives here?" I found myself blurting out as an image of Peter, clad in a pair of torn grey sweatpants, a white wife beater and dirty Nike sneakers drifted into my mind.

If I lived in a mansion like this, I wouldn't be caught dead in outfits like the ones Peter's been wearing all senior year!

Tyler chuckled as he rolled to a stop behind a haphazardly parked Fiat. "He lost a bet last summer," was all he said as he shifted into park and pressed the ignition button. I turned to him, raising my eyebrows quizzically.

Is it just me, or is he blushing?

"What bet?" I asked nosily, only for Tyler to open his door and step out of the car.

Before closing the door, he turned to me (okay, he's definitely blushing, but why?) and said, "I might let you know one day."

Rolling my eyes like I didn't care (even though I did, and knowing that I did irked my soul), I got out of the car and tossed my head nonchalantly.

"It doesn't even matter," I sniffed contemptuously, and once again, I was foiled by my wriggling nose slash lie detector.

Laughing harder, Tyler locked the car and slung a warm arm over my shoulder. "You know, I would tell you to work on your lying skills, but that nose wriggle is really cute, so don't."

Oh, fudgesickles. What is it with the 'cute' moniker?

The thump of the bass flooded my eardrums when Tyler opened the front door.

Now this is soundproof done right.

The party was in full swing, complete with couples dirty dancing on the makeshift dance-floor (aka the Matheson's palatial living room), red cups littering the carpeted floor and people making out all over the place.

"God, I'm so glad we decided not to come," I muttered, mostly to myself, as I glanced around at my drunken and uninhibited peers. Not to 'party shame' anybody, but this wasn't my scene at all, and if I had a judgmental look on my face, so be it.

Nodding in apparent agreement, Tyler said, "Let's just get Celeste and get the fuck out of here," as he placed the flat of his hand protectively on the small of my back.

"Hey, Tyler!" From the corner of my eye, I spotted Mei Lyn, resting bitch face intact as she waved us over to her spot by the bottom of the stairs. "I need to talk to you!"

Wait, didn't Dianne say all of Celeste's friends had disappeared?

Quickly glancing at Tyler to gauge his reaction at seeing Mei Lyn, I was gratified as his eyes narrowed when he glared in Mei Lyn's direction. "What the fuck, Mei."

If she was a better friend, Tyler and I would still be watching Spy. So what the bleep indeed, Mei!

"I'll text Dianne to find out where she's at," I told Tyler, pulling my phone out of my hoody pocket. "Go talk to her."

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