Chapter 7- Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

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Chapter Seven

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

"So let me get this straight." Shelly sounded like she couldn't quite wrap her mind around what had just happened as I sat sulkily on my bed, wondering why I'd picked up her call. No caller ID, Kaylee. I hate being poor. "You went to Tyler's house with the sole intention of giving him a thank you present, but you somehow ended up freaking the hell out, slapping him and running away? What the hell, Kaylee?"

I pouted. This had already been the crappiest day I'd had in a while and now I was stuck listening to a Shelly lecture. Nice. Tyler had probably called Vince to sniffle about how big bad Kaylee had struck him across the face and messed with his good looks. Then Vince caught a case of verbal diarrhea and hop, skipped and ran to the nearest phone to run his mouth to Shelly. I nodded to myself. Yup. That was exactly what had happened.

"It wasn't my fault!" I exclaimed, deciding to pull out all the stops in defending myself. "I was driven to act that way! Pushed to the brink and forced to jump! They were making fun of me! You know how much I hate people making fun of me, Shelly!"

My dramatics didn't work on Shelly. She had something to say and by Toutatis, she was going to say it.

"Kaylee. You had one simple task to do." Shelly enunciated every word clearly, like she was talking to a child with a temper problem. Wait, I guess she kind of was. "Why the hell would you slap him?"

I frowned. Don't want to think about it. Yet every couple of minutes, an image of Tyler and Mei Lyn laughing it up at my expense would pop up in my mind and I would get the strong urge to rip the head off one of Arielle's dolls. "Because he started laughing at me when he was reading the stupid card and it made me crazy!"

"Kaylee-," Shelly started, but I was on a roll and wasn't about to be stopped.

"And I was already pissed off from the mall and it was hot- his dog attacked me!" I paused to take a deep breath and added snidely, "Bet your 'anonymous source' didn't tell you that."

Shelly sighed. "I knew something like this was going to happen," she griped. I blew some hair out of my eyes. So all of a sudden she's psychic? "That's why I wanted to come with you! But no, you wouldn't let me. I can't believe Janessa and I thought you were being grown up!"

"Janessa said 'almost grown up'," I corrected. "Anyway, you couldn't have stopped it. I just got so heated up!"

I still was pretty peeved about everything, but there was a niggling feeling of guilt in my chest. Rubbing the space between my eyes, I groaned. Guilt because I hit Tyler wasn't a very comfortable feeling. It's all Shelly's fault. Her nagging is making me regret it, even though it was the right thing to do!

"This is so embarrassing for me!" Obviously this is 'Everything is about Shelly' weekend. She wasn't the one who'd been dealing with Tyler and Mei Lyn's barbs. She didn't get laughed into violence! How was any of this embarrassing for her?

I puffed out my cheeks. "How do you think I felt?"

"I just can't believe you actually slapped Tyler!" Shelly let out a giggle.

Rolling my eyes, I drawled, "I'm so insanely sorry I slapped Tyler," in the most sarcastic voice I could muster up.

That's what Shelly wanted, right? For me to apologise until my voice was hoarse and my face had, by some magical feat, turned blue.

"You know, Kaylee, sometimes I think you're just insane!"

Sighing, I said, "I deserve that." Maybe I hadoverreacted just a tad. But honestly, what did Shelly expect, sending me to Tyler's house as unprepared as I was? We were like baking soda and vinegar- put us together and what do you get? A huge explosion. Not the good, fireworks kind of explosion. A hot mess kind of explosion. "And then Mei Lyn had to come out in her bikini to put her two cents in- I just lost it! Actually, she's kind of the reason I lost it. It was like Tyler was trying to impress her by puttingme down. I guess it was only normal, since he was trying to bang her and all, but I sure showed him! You don't laugh at Makayla Bailey and get away with it!"

Jealousy Best Served Devious (Clash Of Cliches Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن