Chapter 9- The Social Experiment

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Chapter Nine

The Social Experiment

Author's Note- Sorry for the loooong chapters, guys! But thanks for the votes and comments, they're very much appreciated!


My mouth hung open with surprise as I stared at Tyler through the window for a long second. What were the odds that he would be in the mall parking lot at this point of time? Fate was totally screwing with me, that was it.

He mouthed, "Roll down your window."

Brushing the crumbs from around my lips, (I am such a messy eater and I take great pride in it) I scooted over to the window and rolled it down.

"Hey," I said uneasily. I wasn't too sure how I was supposed to act towards him. Our little talk hadn't really resolved anything, had it? Were we still being angry at each other? No, bump that. Was I still being angry at him?

Reaching up to scratch the shaved side of his head, Tyler said "Hi. What- what's going on?"

I shrugged. "Nothing much, what's going on with you?"

Okay, we were having a conversation. This was going well.

"I just got back from the gym and I'm walking Bandit," Tyler replied, showing me the leash handle he was grasping.

Fleetingly, I wondered whether this was a good time to bring up the fact that his dog bit me, just to see what I could get out of him, but I decided not to. I couldn't even find the spot where Bandit may or may have not bit (or scratched) me. Better to leave well enough alone.

So I pretended to be interested in his monotonous lifestyle. "Oh, the gym? Were you working out?"

That's why you look all dishevelled and sweaty and delicious- ooh, curses upon you, traitorous mind!

But even though I didn't want to admit it, the sleeveless t-shirt he was wearing did show off his arm muscles in a major way. And I was going to blame it on the heat for screwing with my mind and perceptions.

"Yeah, I work out more when I'm stressed and this Celeste thing…" His voice trailed off and he shot me a rueful grin. "Well, you know firsthand that it's been stressing me out."

So we're just going to blame everything on stress and Celeste, are we, Tyler? Shoot, works for me!

"Don't be embarrassed, it's enough to stress anyone out," I said understandingly, giving myself a mental pat on the back as I saw a suspicious look dart its way across Tyler's face. Oh, anytime I could get him thinking I was up to no good was a point for my team.

"Huh." There was a short, awkward silence as we looked at each other. "Kaylee, you mind if I ask you why you're sitting in a car in the middle of the mall parking lot on a hot ass day with all the windows rolled up?"

To give a smartass answer or not?

Since I couldn't come up with a single smartass thing to say (more evidence that the sun isn't my friend), I decided to go the honest route.

"My back tire is flat."

Tyler raised his eyebrows. "What?" He disappeared around the back of mom's car for a couple of seconds then knocked on the other window. Disgruntled, (why didn't he just retrace his steps? Do I look like opening windows is my day job?) I rolled down the window. "Dude, that's one super flat tire."

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