Not a Man

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Once they arrive back at the Strider household, the get out of the car. John walks over to the trunk to get the groceries. Of course, Bro gets there first.
"Hey, I can carry them in myself." John pouts as he speaks. Bro smirks and picks up all the bags. "Yeah, no. Sorry, small Egbert, but you're the guest and I ain't gonna be makin' the guest carry in the groceries. Especially if you're already cookin' dinner for us." John sighs, knowing he won't win, but keeps trying anyway. "You're letting me stay in your house for a week. Just let me help."
Dave sighs, walking up to them and taking the bags from Bro. "I get it. You're both strong independent women who don't need no man carrying your bags for you. So, I'll carry them."
Bro and John both pause, looking at him. "Kid, are ya sayin' you're not a man? 'Cus I can call ya Danielle or somethin' if ya want me too.. "
Dave puts the bags down inside and flashsteps back out, already slamming his face into his palm. "Not that, Bro. I'm not trans. I am not a man either though. I'm a god. Bow, bitches." He smirks near the end of that. "Now come on, Egderp. Let's play video games until it's time to cook."
John nods. "Okay, Dave!" He turns to face Bro again. "See you later then, Dirk?"
Bro smirks. "'Course ya will, kid. It's my house. See ya soon, small Egbert."
John grins and runs off to go play video games with Dave.

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