Chapter 29 - Epilogue

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Eight weeks.

2 days

4 hours.

That's exactly how long it had been since Cole had turned her into a demon, just like him. Or at least he was in the process of it anyway. That fact is, the 'hosting' as he liked to put it, was by no means quick or painless. The transition was unbearably slow.

"I will kill you for this!"

The vow resounded in her head to this day. And although she didn't know how to kill him or even if she could kill an immortal, she knew one thing for certain, she was sure as hell going to try. Cole had snatched away every decision, every essence that made her, her own person. She had resigned herself to die on the eve of her 20th birthday, after the contracts completion. Instead, she had woken up in that same hell and that hadn't been the worst of it. Cole had stolen much from her over the years but within a mere few months he had done what she never thought possible, he had tamed her. It was quite hard to explain even to herself. She was no longer a captive of the demons and the converted hotel, full of other clients. Her deal with Cole had finally come to an end and Cole had released her from their deal, sort of. No, apparently, she had been upgraded to the rank of 'subordinate.' Unwilling and unwanted as it might be. She hadn't been given much of a choice in the matter. Upon her refusal to Kill Alec's father after discovering the truth, he had punished her by taking away the last shed of humanity she had left. Her very soul was no longer human. She was a demon, a devil and a parasite or vampire as the media liked to put it. She still hadn't gotten used to calling herself that just yet.

"I never pegged you for being the romantic type."

Cassie stepped lightly around the stone edge of the building ledge, strategically placing her foot, one in front of the other. She used almost cat-like reflexes to stay balanced as the rough winds did its very best to sway her. She briefly gazed down at the illuminated city beneath her, the height dizzying her senses slightly. Eight weeks. Eight weeks of jumping from country to country with Cole. Of making so-called practice contracts with the people that she met. Cole had urged her to seek out a damaged soul, like she had been not too longer ago but he hadn't told her what to do after that. She couldn't even form contracts yet. She had wandered from home to home, acquainting herself with the owners, until Cole wiped their memories clean of her, deeming them to be unnecessary for the future. She didn't get it, not in the slightest. It was true that she was used to being alone and she rather liked it since it didn't cause any trouble for her but the idea of Cole having an influence on her life left her irritated to say the least.

"Are you going to jump this time?"

A vague sounding voice chuckled into ears and quickly she began shaking her head from side to side to dispel his voice. She bit down slightly on her bottom lip, placing her foot closer towards the ridge before walking precariously on the edge.

"Would you let me?" Was all she could bring herself to ask, feeling a cold glare on the back of her neck. She scowled bitterly and he laughed, this time sounding closer than before.

"Of course, I would."

She scoffed at that. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that it wasn't true. Before, Cole had been callous and cold, seeming to want her dead one hour from the next. Why had he kept her alive? Why turn her into a demon? If his intention had been to torture her, then surely, he had fulfilled his aims to the fullest. She found the questions often building inside of her head, with very little answers to follow. Cassie glanced beneath her once more as her hair slowly strangled her around the neck, caught by the trick of the wind. Eight weeks or centuries? Her options weighed heavily on her shoulders these days. Immorality didn't feel like a gift, not when she had long since resigned herself not to see another birthday. She had no family, no goals and friendship was a complicated concept for her, especially now, with being dead.

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