Chapter 17

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"I wish she would stop blubbering already..." Cassie thought to herself as Emmery let loose a frightened cry each time that the creature attempted to attack. Cassie swung her head back, out of reach from its gnashing teeth, all whilst pulling Emmery to safety. Backed against the kitchen counters with no escape route and dodging the beasts' razor sharp claws, it was probably only a matter of time before they were killed. The side of her stomach still throbbed painfully and her skin was glistening with sweat. She knew that she couldn't keep this pace up for much longer! Her hands were soaked in the blood from where it had had flowed from the slashed carcass near the doorway. It turned her stomach but she had no choice but to refrain from looking at it, focusing her attention on the danger at hand.

"Cassie! W-what do we do?" Emmery shrieked, now cornered. Cassie couldn't think with all the screaming! Her heart raced and her body was trembling with nervous adrenaline. If only she could just get Emmery out of the kitchen, then there was at least a chance that she would be safe to do that? Carefully, she rose up onto her feet, her knees buckled and bent low. She kept her eyes on the prowling creature as she slowly began to reach her arm above her head. Quietly, she dipped her hand into the sink, her fingers feeling her way around. She needed a weapon, anything would do! A knife, a fork, she wasn't really picky in this kind of situation. Finally, her fingertips grazed upon something solid and with a desperate pull, she yanked it out, outstretching it towards her foe like an unsheathed sword.

"C-Cassie!" Emmery cried, shoving her hands up to her mouth in shear dismay. Cassie understood her feelings all too well as little by little her hand dropped, the ladle slipping slightly out of her hold.

"I'm cursed!" She thought, her heart falling into her stomach. Her shoulders slumped in disbelief. This was crazy! What good would it do! It was over! The creature barrelled its way towards them once more and with no alternative, she simply scrunched her eyes shut. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. She held the ladle shakily in her hand, twisting her head to the side. She couldn't bare it any longer.

"You did it!" Emmery chirped in her ear, forcing her eyelids to flutter open. She nudged her, hanging onto her arm excitedly. Cassie's eyebrows drew together in confusion. What had she done? She hesitantly steered her gaze towards Emmery's other arm that was pointing out in front of them. Cassie's eyes grew wide. With its head thrashing about violently, the beast, it struggled to close its jaw, the ladle trapped firmly in its wide mouth. Writhing around, the creature crashed against the counters in frustration, bellowing loudly in anger.

"Come on Cass!" Emmery urged, tugging at her. The girl was stronger than she looked and after a little persuasion, Cassie was pulled completely onto her feet. The frightening heaviness of her body had vanished and within moments, the two girls were standing in the doorway, evading the restless creature.

"Keep quiet and move slowly." Cassie bit out as Emmery made an attempt to recklessly dash into the hallway. Thankfully, she had managed to catch her by the scruff of her neck and pull her to a stop. Emmery glanced back at her worriedly but gave her a panicked nod. Silently, Cassie veered her head to look around the corner, holding back her shocked gasps after spotting a further two clients, slain just mere inches from them. Covered in teeth marks and oozing with blood, the vacant and lifeless gaze of one of the fallen clients headed in her direction, sending chills down her spine. With the girl's arms spread above her head, Cassie could see the blood soaking through her clothes, dripping beneath her body. She swallowed. She couldn't stop Emmery from seeing it and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Just keep your head high and try not to look down." She whispered, placing a gentle hand of encouragement on her back. "Got it?" Stepping forward, Emmery tilted her head quizzically.

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