Chapter 27

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Stale, stagnant and utterly disgusting. That was what Rӧnan had initially thought the moment that he had arrived. He dusted off the dirt from off of his fingertips, returning upright at the call of his name. He gave a nod of acknowledgement as the male slid next to him, followed closely by a nimble footed female, her tail whipping high in the wind.

"Rӧnan!" Austin barked, panting heavily as the wolf finally skidded to a stop beside them. Rӧnan rolled his eyes, though he did let a small chuckle escape from him before he once again returned his attention to the large old-fashioned house in front of him.

"You shouldn't just shift like that!" Austin continued to whine, folding his arms over his chest. "What if somebody saw you?" The wolf let out a low growl at his words but the playful head tilt didn't go unnoticed. Austin sighed. "You could have at least told me you were going to do it." He whispered, almost believing that he couldn't be heard over the howls of the pack.

"Austin. Reina." Was all that came out of Rӧnan's mouth but even that had made them both flinch. A second growl escaped from the wolf but a simple raised eyebrow was enough to silence her. They knew better than to push him today. He stalked away from them both, heading down towards the garden and to the back door.

"Honestly, what am I going to do with them." He said, raking his fingers through his hair. True, he hadn't been back very long but how much could his sister have changed over the last three years? Now she thought that she could test an Alpha? Even if he was her brother, his wolf didn't like the idea too much.

+++ She's spirited as always. +++

His wolf said and Rӧnan nodded in agreement, sensing the tone of warning. It was too dangerous for any of the pack members to be so reckless, especially his sister. There were hunters, vampires, humans and goddess knew what else was lurking.

+++ I know what's lurking. +++

This time, Rӧnan paid little attention to his wolf. He'd been acting up lately, like his senses had been off, even if they had been spot on about this place. It stunk of gargoyles and vampires. It even had traces of human dotted around and...

There it was again, that strange scent that took his breath away. Last time, the scent had been faint, almost cruelly so and just as quick as he had caught it, it was gone. Now that same scent raided his mind, the smell of a fresh forest ground after a nightfall of the cold rain. He could make out the sweetness of it from every angle. And he loved it.

+++ Have to find her! +++

His wolf pawed at the back of his mind, wanting to be freed. Rӧnan did his best to block him out. His wolf had definitely been on edge lately, and it wasn't surprizing, given the circumstances but something else just seemed off. His wolf was jumping in his head, springing desperately to the surface. He had been acting just like an adolescent pup and that was strange, since his wolf was considered to be old-fashioned and somewhat strict. The pack hadn't been quite sure how they would take to each other and truth be told, neither had Rӧnan. He still had his doubts, especially when his wolf disagreed with his methods. And yet, there hadn't been very much for them to disagree on, yet.

+++ I have to find her, let me out! +++

Well, that wasn't happening. Giving the silent treatment, a modern method by anyones standards proved useful against an old wolf. Until he was positive that his wolf wouldn't go riot and just run off, he would have to keep him in check. They were no longer on the battlefield and the last thing that they could ask for now was attention.

"Rӧnan?" Austin questioned, catching up to him. He stared at him quizzically, watching his eyes flicker amber in colour.

Rӧnan hadn't noticed his beta. He'd gotten wrapped up in that scent again, the intoxicating aroma that made his body both tense up and relax, if that was even possible.

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