Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Emmery cowered in the corner of the room, holding her hands up defensively. Her body trembled in terror as her eyes took in the sight before her. Skulking around the kitchen doorway, pawing at the dead body beneath its jaws was a creature unlike any she had seen before. She could no longer scream. She had become frozen in fear, her mouth glued shut. The colour red surrounded her vision, pools of thick crimson liquid pooling around her feet. She scrunched her eyelids shut for a moment, trying to block out the reoccurring images of the two dead bodies from her mind. When the house shook, a few of the clients, including herself had retreated towards the kitchen, presumably to find a weapon to defend themselves with. She had gone down on all fours and has crawled across the floor whilst the other clients remained in a panic, screaming at the top of their voices for help. Disaster had struck quickly. One by one, the creatures dove at the frightened clients, ripping their large carnivorous fangs through their guts, attracting increasing numbers of its kind. Even Emmery had screamed twice out of shock but she had hastily silenced her cries of distress. She was scared. Her face had been drained of all colour as she heard them slurp at the carcass nearby. She cringed. She could hear the thudding of claws pacing around, growling lowly like the hiss of wind.

Emmery sat there, paralyzed. What should she do? What could she do? She slowly began to pull herself up onto her knees and then onto her feet, crouching down as she hesitantly made to move towards the edge of the kitchen island. Her fingertips vibrated on the solid surface, her hands pressed on the kitchen counter. She peered around the corner, heart lodged in her throat. She stilled

her rasping breath, her eyes widening at the sight. With blood dripping out of its gaping jaw, the green-grey scaled creature let a piece of flesh slip from its fangs, the skin falling back onto floor with a squelch. The voice inside of her began to rise and with no choice, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, muffling her wails. She scarpered backwards, striking her head hard on the counter doors, the sudden vibration causing shards of broken window glass to come crashing onto the floor in front of her. The sound of smashing was deafening. All at once, the room grew silent. All she could hear was her heart, beating faster and faster. Sweat trickled down the side of her face as the thump of claws drew ever closer.

She was trapped. Blood rushed around her body in preparation to flee but it was no longer an option. She wanted to cry, to yell out for Luther but found herself to be quiet, unconcerned of where he was. She believed in him, she had to. She needed to trust in him, if only for her sake. Still, where were all the demons? Had they already been abandoned. Her wonderings were crushed the moment that she spotted a creature's snout, poke out from around the counter, its long thin tongue wiggling eagerly out of its mouth. Emmery felt herself shudder and with it came a never-ending flow of relentless tears, She tried to push herself further towards the cupboards but it was no use, she was cornered. Fear coursed through her veins, the beady eyed creature trudging towards her with its tail swinging from side to side. She could practically taste the strong smell of decay simmering on top of the beasts' body. She huddled herself lower, craning her neck downwards in an effort to appear small and perhaps invisible. Even on all fours, the creature almost matched her in height when she was stood upright. It's cold breath flowed over her, a strange clicking noise rapidly firing into her ears.

Her eyes widened, meeting her own reflection that was captured within the beasts' dark hungering gaze. The length of its tongue slipped from its keeping, licking the air just inches from her damp cheek. She knew it was futile to do anything. The creature would go for her throat making death instant and practically painless but if she moved even a little to defend herself, she would meet her fate in cruel manner. She felt her lips twitch slightly, almost in a smile. She really was a coward who couldn't do anything for herself, or for others. She had once let her friend suffer the consequences of her weakness and again, she remained selfish. She sucked in a deep breath, averting her quivering gaze from the opened jaw. She couldn't breathe. She scrunched her fingers into a fist, her shoulders shuddering uncontrollably and her trembling lips spitting her tears onto the floor. She was prepared for this, she could do it! Her heart quaked, her body shivered but even so, nothing could prepare her for the next wave of shock.

As though a knife had been shoved near her face, Emmery felt an icy blast of air strike against her. The sound of roars and grunts followed the tremors of booming paws thrashing against the kitchen floor. Emmery jumped, her eyes whirling around to the creature that was now whipping its tail and head about violently.

"That really wasn't my best idea." Cassie cursed herself as she hung desperately onto the end of creature's thick tail until one mighty whip brought her flying forwards against the kitchen cupboards. She winced in pain, the loudness of the collision ringing in her ears. She held the side of stomach, mumbling irritably under her breath.

"C-Cassie, are you alright?" Emmery shrieked loudly, subsequently forgetting her fears to rush to her side.

"I'm fine!" Cassie croaked, her mind whirling whilst she tried to focus on the snarling beast that appeared to have realized she was no longer hanging by its tail. Forcefully pushing Emmery aside out of harms way, she propped herself onto her feet, her back crouched down low. Emmery seemed like she had gone into shock over being pushed away but that was of little concern for the moment. She had to think. She had to do something. One way or another she had to find a way for Emmery to escape!

*Note from Author - Hiya! So this is just a short chapter but hopefully you are enjoying it! The real fight begins now! P.S. I apologize for the layout in several chapters, I honestly have no idea why it keeps happening!*

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